


1 year, 1 month ago


" Acting brave, set the stage, Here goes the very first phase "
キャプリス 万李

Name Caprice Banri
Age 18
Height 183cm / 6'
Birthday 5 May (Taurus)
Gender Male (he/him)
Agency Astra
Image TBD
CV Kuzuha

Design notes
  • His hair has a natural gradient from strawberry blonde to a pink-ish color.
  • Banri has freckles on his face!
  • Has a piercing in both ears; he usually wears simple stud earrings in them.
  • Lightly toned muscles. Mostly his abdomen and back.
  • Usually wears a silver necklace with a locket; he only takes it off if it's required for like, work.

『 Singing, dancing, and upholding -- in simple terms, that is what being an idol is all about, huh? Alright. I'll do my best to live up to your expectations, then. 』

A prodigious actor who's been active since childhood, now expanding his career to the idol industry, Banri takes after his parents' succes.

He's a simple and straightforward hard worker; whether it be work as an actor, an idol or housework, Banri always puts forth his best efforts, and rarely complains.

Stoic as he might seem, though, Banri is a very considerate and emotionally sensitive person in his personal life: he cares deeply for those around him, for his friends, family, fans and work -- but this often goes at his own expense, a hard truth he is yet to face.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent


Banri is a relatively simple, relatively calm and collected person. He's pleasant to work with, and can pass as a decent conversation partner if you can forgive his reserved personality -- simply put, Banri is a goodie two-shoes who tries to do good and not cause others any trouble.

An empath at heart, Banri always puts others before himself -- it is much more an ingrained habit than something he does consciously, however. He's always been responsible for taking care of his younger sister, Emi, since he was small, and often had to mediate between his family members. Over time, it's made Banri very attuned to others' emotions and needs, but he struggles to stay in tune with his own feelings as a result of pushing them aside for so long.

Banri has a strong sense of responsibilty, not only towards his friends and family, but towards his work as well. Whether it be his work as an actor or his academic career, Banri always wants to put forth the best he can. He acts accordingly to what he thinks are others' expectations of him, which is usually a lot. Rather than an intricate desire to perform well, Banri seems more concerned with how others regard him, and doesn't want to let anyone down.

In summary, Banri is a genuinely well-meaning and caring person, but very clumsy when it comes to his personal matters. Being eightteen is like that sometimes. Kekw.


Born into the limelight cast by the famous actress and director duo, miss and mister Caprice, Banri and his younger sister, Emi, both began acting at a young age.

To Banri, this was a given; to Emi, however, it was a way to keep her family close to her. The harsh truth of the entertainment industry quickly caught up to both of them; whereas Emi became bitter and distant, Banri took it in stride.

It's only natural, after all. Being an actor, watching his parents stepping in and out of his life like a staccato, taking care of Emi, working hard at school, and working even harder in front of the camera's, only to come back to an empty home every day, to work hard just a little bit more to finish his chores.

It's only natural, too, that he would eventually be eclipsed by his own childhood: once a prodigious child actor, Banri began to struggle to establish himself in the cutthroat industry amongst many other talented youths despite his best efforts.

He's always been complacent. A good brother, a good son, a good actor; but he's never been anything more than that, nothing that sets him apart, and so Banri settled himself in the shadow of his family name -- that is, until a certain man swept him right off the street and told him otherwise. An eccentric, singing praise of his talents and his prowess, and promising to make him an idol.

"You're handsome. A quick learner. Calm, and pleasant." (he grinned at him.) "I'll make a wonderful idol out of you."

And so -- after a few rough conversations with his sister, his agent, his parents -- from veteran actor to amateur idol, Caprice Banri starts anew.

Full synopsis (link)


  • Banri is half-Australian from his father's side.
  • Since Emi's birth, their family has been living in a high-end apartment complex that facilitates entertainers specifically (additional security, etc.). He still lives there in present day!
  • He has a handful of obscure skills by proxy of his work as an actor; he's a little rusty with most of his skills, naturally, but like ... he did just scale a three story building. Casually.
  • Fluent in both Japanese and English, though he does have a very Australian accent by proxy of only ever speaking English extensively with his father's side of the family.
  • Method actor. He has a great memory and is skilled at analyzing things quickly and extensively; paired with his natural intuition and dedication to researching his roles, Banri picks up on not only acting but also skills such as dancing fairly easily.

Additional info
img. color #F8AF91
Alignment 3w4

+ Cooking
+ Okonomiyaki
+ Reading

- Wasps & bees
- The smell of smoke
- Vegemite

Younger sister

His younger sister by three years. Banri has been her primary caretaker throughout the years, and loves her a lot. They live together in the family apartment.

Their relationship grew strained as their family situation worsened, however, and Emi grown more hostile since Banri started with idol work. Banri himself isn't sure how to deal with it, though; he's been trying to pacify her with sweets.


Miss and Mister Caprice, Banri's parents, role models and current biggest concern. They inspired him to take up acting in the first place, and so he looks up to them both, but the strife between them and Emi has made him uneasy.

He has mixed feelings on their continued absence from home, but unlike Emi, he also feels he barely knows his parents enough to feel too strongly about it ... --is what he convinces himself, at least.


A recent acquaintance he met through idol work! Nezumi's personality is puzzling to him at times, but he thinks Nezumi is fun to be around nonetheless.

Banri is unsure on how to handle Nezumi's unpredictable side, though. More accurately: the "mixed signals" that Nezumi sends him, as Emi describes them.

Childhood friend

His close and treasured childhood friend of over ten years. While they banter quite often in public, it's more of a testament to Banri's trust in Chu Ying as one of the few people to who he bites back in conversation.

Calls him Lychee for fun. Chu Ying absolutely hates this, and usually retorts with 'Carpaccio'.


His mentor in acting, and vaguely cryptic uncle figure. Though they're not particularly close, Banri looks up to Min-ho a lot, and considers him a role model on the same level as his parents.

They're on friendly terms. Banri has been helping him with cooking since his divorce, and Min-ho enjoys to spoil Banri (and Emi, too) with gifts and outings in return. They're on Min-ho's Christmas card list.


A long-time friend he met through family connections and rich kid privileges; finding solidarity in their overlapping interests and also family circumstances (subconsciously, in Banri's case), Kalei and Banri get along decently.

Kalei is also the only reason he knows about Hatsune Miku.

Extended relationship overview (link)