Doctor Dresden



1 year, 1 month ago


Doctor Dresden
she / her
aromantic pansexual
back-alley doctor
ambitious . opportunistic . unhinged . carefree

"Do you mind if I take an extra vial along with your blood tests? Don't worry about it, it's just for my personal use~"

Doctor Dresden is an eccentric scientist from the fringes of Neo Gagarin City. She's... Defenitely an odd lady, kinda hard to get a read on. She used to be one of the brightest minds in her field, but she was involved in something she refuses to talk about that caused her to walk away from the scientific community. Now she's a back-alley medical doctor who keeps conducting weird experiments in private, most often using herself as a test subject. And building monsters out of dead bodies. But hey, everyone's gotta have hobbies, right?


  • her research!!
  • ramen
  • rodents, especially rats
  • alcohol smells
  • air conditioning
  • ice cream

  • high and mighty people pushing their morals on others
  • tobacco smell
  • damp weather
  • oily foods
Subheading 1

Nulla tempus enim a venenatis rhoncus. Pellentesque venenatis egestas eleifend. Pellentesque eu mauris in mauris cursus egestas eu id velit. Curabitur condimentum ante enim, volutpat malesuada nisl aliquet id.

Nullam congue elementum felis id sollicitudin. Nunc eros neque, sollicitudin ac tempor a, fermentum a mauris. Duis dolor ex, maximus at accumsan at, pretium at nisi. Proin rutrum justo a nisi consectetur tincidunt. Ut a est diam. Integer vehicula ut velit et pulvinar.

Subheading 2

Fusce volutpat ornare congue. Mauris id eros imperdiet purus suscipit sollicitudin.

Donec volutpat dolor sit amet erat sodales, nec viverra leo gravida. Morbi tincidunt tempus mi, nec molestie sem molestie vestibulum. Curabitur quis lacinia neque.

Subheading 3

Integer venenatis ultricies malesuada. Aenean sit amet augue at quam convallis fermentum sed sed elit. Morbi sit amet odio mi. Phasellus nec sem justo. Phasellus mollis a augue nec eleifend. Nulla at suscipit lorem. Sed ut leo dolor. Vestibulum non blandit nisl, in interdum lectus.

Nam porta scelerisque ullamcorper. Maecenas consequat vel quam quis dapibus. Nullam ullamcorper enim ut tortor convallis, in suscipit dolor eleifend. Integer scelerisque, nisi sit amet auctor gravida, neque enim rutrum urna, nec ullamcorper turpis eros blandit ipsum.


  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
  • Maecenas sed neque aliquet, iaculis orci rutrum, posuere sapien.
  • Donec sit amet commodo magna.
  • Sed fringilla nunc vitae arcu scelerisque, in euismod nisl lobortis. Nullam eget nisi tincidunt, consectetur mi eget, ultrices augue.
Design Notes

  • bodytype is fit but comfortably pudgy
  • 172 cm / 5'6'' tall
  • her freckles are not exact, as long as there's some on her face, you're good!
  • her legs are cybernetic prosthetics, and her left arm is a biotechnical prosthetic made of her original left arm. If you choose to draw her without her prosthetics, please remember that she's an amputee!
  • feel free to go wild with her left hand, she keeps mutating it all the time so it could have all kinds of weird shit going on from scales to claws to webbed fingers
  • she's an older woman, don't be afraid to make her stomach and breasts sag a bit!
  • almost always wears her spotlessly clean white labcoat with super casual and a bit provocative clothes such as crop tops, deep v-necks, short shorts and skirts

  • she acts like Doctor would be her name instead of a title. Not even her adopted child knows her actual first name. For all intents and purposes, Doctor is her name, and she insists on being called Doctor
  • secretly just the dollar store version of Moira Overwatch
  • blue most defenitely isn't her real hair color, but you'll never catch her with her roots showing
  • she's nearsighted - glasses help her to see faraway objects better
  • still quite a new character and a bit of a work in progress, more info will follow!!
Likely to

  • ask really personal things about your medical history and worldviews in the middle of casual conversation
  • remind you to address her as Doctor Dresden instead of Miss Dresden
  • call something "the gene-splicing calibrator" first and call it "that piece of shit over there" a second later
Hogwild foster daughter

Doctor Dresden found Hogwild from the trash after she had been disposed of as a failed experiment. Dresden took her in and has treated the pig-girl like a daughter ever since.

Dresden is really fond of Hogwild, and even if their interactions are usually full of banter and off-colored jokes, she'd do anything for Hogwild. She's already doing an incredible amount of string-pulling to keep Neo Gagarin City police off her murderous cannibal daughter's tracks!

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.