


1 year, 1 month ago


Medicine Cat of SunClan 

Son of AcaciaDust

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━.  * 《  》
Name: HawkCall

Hawk - A brown bird of prey native to the territory.
Call - For his loud and truthful voice

Role: Medicine cat
Breed: Moggy (Mixed)
Gender: Male
Family: AcaciaDust (mother), VultureBite (father), BirchFace (aunt)
Personality: He is a painfully truthful cat, if he thinks someone doesnt look great he will call them out on it before trying to help. HawkCall puts on an act to appear like hes dreading whatever hes doing but secretely prides himself in said task. Tries to keep himself busy in order to lighten the load for others, causing him to be very tired and needing to be told to rest. HawkCall Is quite skillful in treating sickness and wounds, but is not very skilled in figuring out the meaning of omens and prophecies.

He is often thankful for his lack of brutal training required of a warrior apprentice of his clan. Though admits his childhood was a bit lonely due to the lack of littermates (which he doesnt fault Acaciadust for) and wishes he had more freedom as a kit/apprentice. The tom takes pride in his talents of medicine and herbs, though is a bit bashful when remarking his lack of prophecy reading- which he is hoping his apprentice will take more of an affinity towards. He is a patient yet stern mentor.

As a kit he knew very little of his father Vulturebite but was mystified by his life style. As the tom matured and learned more he began to be less fond of his father. He tolerates him for the sake of Acacia but typically joins the crowd who dislikes the rogue intruding in places he doesnt belong.

Quirks: is constantly tired and covered in dust.
Origin: Half-clan, father is a rouge, mother in SunClan. Raised happily in Sunclan.