
1 year, 27 days ago


a kitsune who originally was reikos mentor,he usually can be seen with a cup of tea and some tricolor dango in hand. he is usually seen combing over some scrolls he has collected for ways to help reiko with her troubles(shes like a daughter to him and he cares deeply for her.) He is married to Sakura who is his closest friend who he has known for years.

Mochi knew Reikos mother and father(and how little he was in her life because he didnt want to be cooped up in their little small village for long, Mochi and them were all childhood friends before he had a falling out with Reikos dad at how terrible a father he was or at least from mochis perspective. (only because he didnt want to hurt reikos feelings which is why he left before he did so). Mochi started to be a father figure to reiko because she needed someone in her life that was because she never knew a fathers love because of how her dad distanced himself from her and her mom.

Mochi had long since left the village himself because he didnt agree with how the rest of the kitsune did things and didnt want his children to grow up sheltered and someone needed to watch reiko after she left(only to return years later after otto passed and mochi returned as well because his job of watching her was important and if she returned he must return as well.) He would mostly watch her in animal form because he didnt want her to know he was stalking her and making sure she was ok.

original design made was made by Igobykuro(this version was made by me but its an AU of kuros design)