✶ Sonja



1 year, 24 days ago


Cyan type hue critter

rabbit girl, MtF, fuck you   

Theme: Le Disko

highkey kind of a terrible, selfish person. very impulsive, will create a mountain out of a molehill- so-to-speak

Hadel n her become partners late in the story before he disappears from everyone ever for a long time,
She cheated on her ex to be w Hadel, even tho Hadel p much straight up told her he doesn't do commitments, then she p much guilt tripped him into being w her because of her cheating w him

they hit it off for a bit and can be fluffy but hadel is incredibly uncomfortable in commitments fr, he tried to warn her

uses him a lot to get drugz

very co-dependant with each other

Although she doesnt share all of hadel's issues, they do have BPD and Bipolarity in common

doesnt care about ur boundaries (speaking like in general, not sexually), she will butt-in to any convo ever even if its serious and doesnt concern her at all

shes a sadist and can go mania mode, super outgoing and energetic in general, very dominant and kinda manipulative, distances from most to keep herself mostly apathetic to other's troubles, including her family who probs have no clue if shes alive or not and are extremely worried abt her all the time

a good quote i heard once that explains her p well, shes the person who will bully tf out of you, only to break down venting to you in the bathroom at the school dance and then act like that never happened later on-- shes like Blossomfall from WC(?)