


1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info





"fire devil; unable to be tamed"

Home to a burning sensation, an uproar of red and gray smoke.

A type of atmospheric form of a fox in ghost light within the legends of Japan. They are a spirit born from the corpses of humans and animals who were unfortunate enough to become one with fire. it was a red light like a pine torchlight, and several would gather together, and humans who come close would have their spirit sucked out.

S egment from when akito was sacrificed and all were overcome by a great tragedy.


Name akutu
Age elder
Gender male
Species fox
Height 66 cm
Orientation resourceful
Occupation wanderer

  • stormy weather
  • bonfires
  • home village

  • haughtiness
  • socialization
  • other canines


  • They can float in the air about one or two meters from the ground.
  • They usually appear from spring to summer. They often appear on days of rain.
  • When touched, they do not feel hot like a fire, but one that would burn things with heat like a real fire.
  • Those who are bold, follow them by several different names; akutu, akutsu, or akuma. The weary may consider them as ''fire devil.''

Design Notes

  • Rare whimsical posture.
  • Sleazy with slim, silky build.
  • Long ears with bloodshot eyes.
  • Can be seen surrounded with fire or smoke ensuing their presence.
  • Crazed folk would state it shapeshifted into something of a length of a dozen men.


The younger brother, essentially named akito; was clumsy with a mischief demeanour. had relations with a scarce but powerful goddesses of the sun, neglecting current order and family certitude- was rejected and placed in the leftover waste of the city. he was eventually banished for stealing goods from locals, being portrayed as wild and dangerous- he was once nicknamed fire devil after his explosive temper and fury. after setting family property ablaze, was further on sacrificed to feed a hunger of demolishing this untamed boy and any wickedness that was believed to be lying in wait inside him. carried to the mouth of a volcano, an sooner unforeseen eruption occurred. destroying the families of many, and demolishing the city. any survivors were left with scarcity. left with only anger and hopelessness, and destruction for the sake of survival.

survivors that were left with nothing but a scrub of their home to live on. would recall cries from the volcano and often would the village be evaporated in a dark but dimly lit smoke.

the remaining villagers would investigate dead land surrounding the volcano. they would soon meet with the whimsical aesthetic, an unusual aura of a white fox with long strings like whiskers that glided over its dark face with red eyes that stared curiously. kindled with a glint, as if ignited. not many tints and tones were touched by this poor village. it was soon something they admired to a daily. they soon gained a sense of place or guardianship from this being that gave them light. if not something rebirthed. they say it would mysteriously disappear every 57 weeks. only met with exceptionally long dark shadows in the sky, recalling loud noises coming from a temple that mysteriously appeared. those bold enough would investigate said temple, would only come to find large clumps of fur, that they would soon find shelter and warmth in. the ''sleepwalkers'' of the few villagers would say how they heard whispers in the night and caught glimpses of something large gliding over the dead city.