Drak Conrad



11 months, 13 days ago


Drak Conrad: Brother Don't Matter, an asymmetric haircut. A standoffish vampire that skulks the streets at night.

Both Drak and his younger sister Reina were born as vampires. Their mother left her newly-wed husband after she fell in love with their father, who subsequently turned her into a vampire. Outraged, her former husband plotted his revenge. He rose through the ranks of nobility, until he ascended to the rank of Tyrant-King. The Tyrant-King took his revenge by destroying their castle and killing Drak and Reina's parents. Drak and Reina managed to escape the destruction, although Reina lost an eye during the ordeal. The siblings began to wander the world, drifting between settlements and never staying in one place for too long.

Drak and Reina had intended to stay in the West End Town for only a short while before moving on. They avoided Zolius, uninterested in the affairs of the other creatures of the night. That was until one day a feeding went wrong, and Reina accidentally drained a man of all his blood, killing him. Although the siblings tried to run, the Tyrant-King's police captured and arrested Reina.

With no other options, Drak contacted Zolius and asked him to help rescue Reina. While he was very cold towards Zolius at first, Drak grew to like the necromancer. In fact, he may just be developing feelings stronger than that.

Playlist: Spotify