


1 year, 1 month ago



See how the game of life is never won, you only play.

Gender Trans Man
Pronouns He/him
Age 23
DoB 08/28
Sign Virgo
S.O. Gay
Height 168cm
Alignment Lawful good
Occupation Soldier
Hometown ???
Eden where are you ?
Eden ???
Sorry I was just at the hospital :D
Why wouldn't I be...?
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Archetype Caregiver
Leading trait Quick-thinker
Biggest flaw Extremely selfless

Design notes

  • Only has an earring on his visible ear.
  • His scars change with his ink color.
  • He mostly has his hair up, but can also have it down sometimes (pj's, or just rare occasions)
  • Also has a sort or burn-like scar on the whole upper back.
  • Hides his arms most of the time, because he also has tons of scars here.

Eden never really talks about the beginning of his life... He says he doesn't want to talk about it, which is true. His childhood definitely was a hard part of his life. But, when does it ever get easy, after all.

The orphanage.

From as far as he could remember, he lived in a small, lost orphanage, in the middle of nowhere. He never met his parents, and doesn't want to. There, it was either perfection or failure... With no in between. He was part of the failure kids, so he was getting an even worse treatment than the perfect kids, which were only a few. The orphanage wasn't big, there were more adults than kids. But one day, a new child arrived. She was two years older than Eden... And acted like the perfect little doll. Eden was obviously jealous, as it seemed easy for her to please the adults. She never got in trouble. But one day, as Eden accidentally broke a plate, this little girl pushed Eden away, and took the blame. Eden was confused. Why was he getting help from her? Once the scolding ended, she turned back to him, and they talked for a long time. Her name was Iso. They sticked together for years after that. Iso wasn't so perfect anymore, as she let herself do some mistakes... And Eden felt way better now that he had a friend by his side. And one day, the meere illusion of happiness broke. Eden was thirteen, Iso was fifteen. She already asked Eden to run away with her, as they both hated this place. Eden always refused, thinking he was too dangerous. But one day, when he went to check on Iso, she was nowhere to be found. So he asked the adults. "She died last night."

The denial.

Eden didn't believe it. It wasn't possible. When they went to sleep, she was okay. They were probably lying, there was no way. He waited days. And everyone stopped talking about her, it was as if she never existed. All that was left of her was this earring Eden had. The rest was gone... But he still held on to the hope. He knew there was no way he'd be able to find her by staying in an orphanage. So, at fourteen he decided to join the army, leaving all of his life behind. He trained hard to be good enough, and met some friends along the way : Puff and Nenuphar. It felt weird to have new friends, but it wasn't bad. He ended up being a good fighter with a splatana. Far from being as good as Puff, but he was still doing great. He kept searching as much as possible when he had free time. Three years passed, and he still had nothing. He finally gave up on the idea... And finally told himself, for the first time, that she died.

The blackhole.

A few weeks after his acceptance, Puff asked him out. It felt like a new chapter of his life started... And, it was. Sadly this relationship turned awfully bad, pretty quickly. Puff was treating Eden like he was worth nothing most of the time, like all of the others did. But... There were also times, where Eden felt his love reciprocated. And that was something he craved for. So he stayed, until Puff became unsufferable. Even then, Eden tried his best to understand his boyfriend. But... Puff was going down a rabbithole that Eden was terrified of. He ended up trying to break up with him... Which resulted in Eden getting punched. It just made Eden even more furious, as he turned his back to his soon to be ex, and told him he was done. Turning his back was probably his worst idea yet, as he got shot there, by Puff with his Blaster. He regretted it. Loosing four years of his life with his guy. So, he just kicked his ex out of their shared apartment. He'd never forgive him.

The change.

Now that he was alone in his apartment, he learned to live for himself. The next year was pretty hard on him, as everyone turned their backs on him, except Nenuphar. Puff was still trying to act nice, as if he forgot what happened. But Eden wouldn't. At the end of the year, he got sent on a solo mission... In the metro. He never went there, so he was confused on why they wanted him to go alone... Until he got it. The supposed goal was to find anyone from the army who got lost. But their real goal was to get rid of Eden, as nobody was trusting him anymore. At first he thought of going and never coming back, but he wouldn't let them have that satisfaction. He went there, and found nothing for a while... Until he met another octoling : Urchin. After they talked for a bit, he decided that this mission was over and that he'd head back. But when he was about to leave this foresaken metro, something felt off... As if he still had something to do. So he looked around. After a few hours of searching, he found a kid. He looked terrified, and hurt. Eden calmed him down, and decided to bring him back to the camp, hoping to find his parents. He didn't want this poor kid to end up like him, in a crappy orphanage. When they got back, everyone was staring. Eden didn't know if it was because of him, or because of the kid. He didn't care much anyway. After a bit of looking around, it seemed like the kid did not remember much, and his parents faces or names were forgotten too. Nobody knew or trusted the kid, and he had nowhere to go... So Eden decided to be his caretaker. He only knew that the kid was named Lavande, but that was enough for him, he trusted the kid, because he knew how it felt to be alone.

  • Humming
  • Helping people
  • Cooking
  • His family
  • Remembering his old mistakes
  • Being alone
  • Showing his back
  • Being stared at by strangers
  • Training
  • Going on walks
  • Looking at sunsets
  • Cooking
