✶ Toluca



1 year, 23 days ago


Full name is Toluca, nickname is Tul

Hadel's adopted mother (new design)

She is for the streets. Hates Lyle. Never let Lyle around Hadel ever again after he was in her care

She used to run in Lyle's gang and was like, even intimidating to him, then when lil baybe Hadel came along she was like "bro why tf are you not taking care of this kid? guess ill do it." 

pushed Hadel to move out as soon as that mf turned 18 (she loves him but she also loves being alone and is a kinda moreeee like strict / hard mother type?? she shows she cares thru tough love)

first language was spanish, but she mainly uses english due to those around her, doesnt really have any family anymore. she's taught hadel spanish though at least so they do speak it together at times

Named after Toluca lake from Silent Hill ofc