


1 year, 26 days ago


kuros twin sister and the less adventurous of the twins, she takes more from otto in genes then kuro. her and her brother were born february 26th close to reiko and ottos anniversary. She is a very quiet young girl who likes to read and helping her mother cook(reiko cant cook well man). She was also the one that would get kuro out of trouble when he was doing whatever it was that he was doing.

She has no interest in the outside world and truely believes this is where shes meant to stay forever. She misses her father alot and wishes he was there with them and then maybe kuro wouldnt have turned out like he is and would stay in the village more because the elders are always talking about kuro(?). She is jealous of her brother and wishes she got more of her moms attention instead reiko is usually off watching kuro to make sure hes safe.

She has a small garden in which she tends to when shes not reading.