Roman (✖ Info)





∎Warmth, warm places.

∎His old clothes, not the best ones out there but they do their job.

∎Nature. Has quite the taste for desert areas.

∎Books. He doesn't own any, but likes to borrow some from people he meets. He always gives them back before going away.

∎Writing. He keeps an old journal and there he writes all the stuff he's seen, sometimes even adds some drawings when needed! Once the journal is complete, he hides it in a secret "base" he has, and then starts a new one. He only goes back to that place to bury a finished journal, and it's only on those times that he takes some time to read the old ones.


∎Cities, can't handle the air.

∎Doesn't care that much about cold, but doesn't go to cold places by choice.

∎When people kills an animal for the sake of killing it, rathen than "kill to eat".

∎Finding out that someone has been around his secret base. Only happened once, seems like the person didn't stay there for too long, neither did they touch anything, but he still dislikes it.

∎Staying in one place for too long. He feels weird about that.

◢Interests and Hobbies◤

∎Skulls, collecting skulls. He finds them rather interesting, and has quite a big collection, but his most precious ones are the ones that he carries on his cane. The rest are on his "base".

∎See how time changes places. It's an interesting thing to do when visiting places he has seen before. See what plants have survived and grow, which ones aren't there anymore, and find new and blooming life.

∎Travelling. He's a nomad, and he has quite the energy to travel a wide range of land. When younger, he used to travel faster and almost never sat down to see the land, but as he grew older he started to like more to stay for a little while, just to see the view before continuing with his path.


∎To be a better father for his son. He does his best, but is aware he could do better.

∎Learn how to swim. He's aware of a whole different world underwater, and he wishes to see it, but at the same time, he's too afraid to do so.



Unemployed. Sometimes does small jobs for quick cash.





Usually he uses traps to catch small preys, that he then kills with a small knife. When he hunts, it's for eating. He usually doesn't keep the bones of those he has killed, most of the time he buries them after a small ceremony on their honor.


He has a wide knoweldge of which plants are good and which ones will kill him. Most of his meals consist of greens, fruits and nuts.


Someone's trash is another man's treasure, and sometimes you get more money than you thought for all of that useless stuff. He know what can get him some coins and what is actual trash.

◢Fears and phobias◤

∎Wolves, big canines in general. He's aware that they can kill him if they want, and he fears that they want to kill him.

∎Ocean, large bodies of water. He can float, he can "puppy swim", but he won't survive there for too long. He loves the fact that there are a bunch of plants and animals he has never seen before underwater, but he's too afraid of drowning to even try to learn on his own.

Extra Info

◢Mini 'Trivia'◤

∎He's way older than what he says. He usually says a number between 35 and 45, but no one know how old he actually is.

∎Doesn't own an instrument, but knows how to play some songs on the ocarina. Lend him one and he'll play the most beautiful songs. Maybe he should get a pendant one...

∎The skulls he carries are of the first animal he has ever killed (wolf), a bird that died in front of him even though he didn't have anything to do with their death (raven) and the one of a person he once knew (human)

∎The hourglass he carries with him are to count for how long he'll stay in one place. He put the "timer" once he arrived to somewhere he wants to stay for more than one nihgt, and he usually leaves before the last sand grain has passed to the other side. The sand is tainted of the color of his own blood. He'll never tell the story of how that happened, but he can assure you, it's his blood.

∎Those who know him, know that he sometimes appears with blood on his horns. No one really know who or what he fights, but he never appears with a prey when his horns are dirty, and he doesn't use them to kill his food.





