


1 year, 4 months ago


Caligins are prominent figures in Angie's universe but are a very small portion of the population overall. What makes this species unique is that they have very malleable forms. They can shrink into a small thread that can travel at abnormally high speeds; so fast that some can keep up on the highway. The only limitation to their form is that they can't exceed their default mass, and that they are unable to change color. Their flesh is a dense tar-like substance normally but shines like steel when warped into a thread-state. It's worth noting that they can transform into forms other than thread, but often avoid doing so for the sake of avoiding backlash. Mimicking other intelligent beings and sometimes even animals can be seen as mockery or disrespect. 

While not a defining trait of Caligins, many of them are associated with (religion I have yet to name because naming religions is fucking hard). This is attributed to the fact that a majority of Caligins are core members. The founder of the group, Seraphine, is a Caligin herself- often referred to as the only one who's been able to view Sara without dying (their god).

more info on the religion that needs a darn name:
Sara, their god, is rumored to still be alive, but no photo or video evidence exists. The only accounts of Sara's existence include government records documenting the events taking place at his site, and a testimony from one person who claimed to survive seeing her.
It is a monotheistic religion. Devoted Caligins are frequently viewed as saints that are just as holy as Sara himself, but Sara is the only one with a godly omnipresent power. A good comparison would be Hinduism. It's technically monotheistic because of the belief in one supreme god, but other deities have risen as a representation of that supreme god.
ill write more later im lazy