


1 year, 17 days ago


Era Fawzi

Birth Name
mimic octopus
23 years


era was born into a big family within the domes not long before the reign of agent three. he had thirteen older sisters, all of which were elite octolings. era had a lot of expectation put onto her, but never met the task. nothing too interesting happened until the nss had obtained a new agent- one that took down most of her sisters. era, however, was too young to understand why they never came home.

when they were seventeen a new agent entered the ring, agent four. era had the mind to sneak around and begin to watch his sisters fight- she wanted to be useful to the fawzis. however, she was faced with the truth behind the disappearence of their sisters, and eventually decided to follow four back to the cuttlefish cabin, eventually being found.

era, however, was not afraid, despite being weaponless. in the end, the two came together more often than not, before era was found out by agent two and was shot in a panic. he had blacked out before awaking in her brother's arms, being carried back home. they had never been more miserable.

eventually, octolings began migrating to the surface. era decided to leave without the remains of his family, pulling themself up to the surface and beginning to attempt a career of street performing. alas, a day came that changed everything. she saw *her*- four. and their hearts melted on the spot, because *four* had recognised him in return. the two reunited and practically never let go of each other.

the year following, midsummer madness was formed, an idol group between her and the former-agent, glory, their new girlfriend and eventually, future wife.


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glory — wife

an inkling who was supposed to be his worst enemy, before coming out and being her 'partner in crime'. but they can't help for long for a family that the other doesn't want.

twany — BIL

era's brother-in-law. if anything these two get into more trouble than he and glory does. era holds a lot of respect for him and thanks him for making the music prototypes for midsummer madness

fever — strange kinship

era has a strange kinship when it comes to fever and thinks of them as his and glory's son; however feels immense pain upon remembering that fever isn't too well versed within the knowledge of the octoling domes.

Name — Relationship

Relationship info here. Can be a few sentences long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


  • family
  • raves
  • cute glasses
  • serious conversation
  • confrontation
  • chargers

  • she does not have real heterochromia and is blind in the eye containing the yellow contact
  • can shapeshift to replicate anything they've seen before albeit very lankily- if era were to transform into glory for example he'd still be tall, would keep his eyes (no mask) and be absent of her features (freckles, bioluminesence, etc).
  • boobs out. thats it thats the tweet.
  • clawed feet/hands, arguably more clawed than fever's
  • eyelashes have a gradient like glory