
Name: Detective Talarabi El-Hakhili

Species: Lycan (Silver Fox)

Sex: Male (M)

Basic Appearance: Talarabi is an elegant and charismatic silver fox with piercing sapphire-blue eyes. His sleek fur is a mix of silver, gray, and black, giving him a striking and distinguished appearance.

Basic Personality: Talarabi is intelligent, cunning, and relentless in his pursuit of truth. As a detective, he possesses keen observation skills and an analytical mind. His determination to uncover the truth behind the Sarkiri activities drives him forward.

Basic History: Talarabi has a background in investigative journalism and later transitioned into law enforcement. His innate Prana sense helps him detect subtle changes in energy patterns, aiding him in solving complex cases. He is currently focused on unraveling the mysteries surrounding the Sarkiri. [Detects residual emotions in an area]