Florens "Night" Nightingale



1 year, 2 days ago


Basic Info
Florens Nightingale
Night / The red snake
25 (post-timeskip)
April 2nd
185 cm
South Blue
Undo Undo No Mi
The Heart Pirates
120.000.000 berries
  • Ballads
  • Wine
  • Uta's music
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  • Sweets
  • Loud noises
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  • Her most common nickname is “Night”, from her last name. Before her bounty was in circulation, very few people knew her real name. She was also called “The red snake” because of her hair color and her snake tattoo.
  • She’s a huge fan of Uta’s music. She and Bepo discuss it all the time.
  • She has a tendency to be an alcoholic. Allegedly.
  • She, Law, and Ikkaku are the cleanest members among The Heart Pirates.

“You're a threat for doing something good.”

Night has always been described as a "people smart" kind of person. She considers herself a sort of mother/big sister/captain/mentour/older friend figure. Her crewmates describe her as a sunshine. She lights up the room and everyone around with her kind and funny personality. She advocates for the wellness of every living being. She's a neutral-aligned person who believes that there are good and bad pirates, just like there are good and bad marines, and good and bad civilians. She can't deny providing help to anyone. She's good at speaking her mind and expressing her feelings and honest thoughts, but she knows when not to speak at all, and she won't express her feelings to just anyone. She has a tendency to become alcoholic. People close to her say that she takes any opportunity to drink.


As a child, Night witnessed her parents succumb to a devastating illness due to lack of access to proper medical care in their impoverished community. The helplessness she felt during their suffering fueled a determination to make a difference. Night's traumatic experience became the catalyst for her lifelong mission as a doctor. Haunted by the memory of her parents' struggles, she dedicated herself to education, excelling in medical studies. Driven by empathy, she wanted to found a non-profit medical organization, aiming to provide essential healthcare to underserved communities. Night transformed her childhood trauma into a powerful force for positive change, ensuring that others wouldn't endure the same pain she witnessed in her formative years.

At 17. She was the founder and captain of The Crossed Red, a nonprofit organization. With a treasure she found somewhere in her birth island she bought a ship. The ship was modified entirely to work as a hospital. She also reunited a crew of people trained in medicine who’d be willing to work with her. They traveled wherever the sea would take them to provide access to healthcare to those who wouldn’t have access to it, for free. Most of these places were tragically neglected by the World Government. This made them gain recognition, and with it, they’d gather numerous generous donors so they could continue with their labor for free.

After months of work, the Revolutionary Army heard from them and their noble efforts. As the captain, Monkey D. Dragon reached her out and they became affiliates. So the Revolutionary Army helped those towns marginalized by greedy and neglective governors and The Crossed Red provided healthcare during and after that. However, The Crossed Red still followed their own path, since they didn't condone any kind of violence. But they still had the Revolutionary Army to help them when they needed it. The Crossed Red was widely known worldwide. A neutral crew to the pirates, an enemy to the World Government, and a negative Marine publicity to the civilians. The Crossed Red got eradicated by the Marines. The Marines found them and attacked their ship and most of them died, the few who survived took different paths.

Night wandered for weeks, providing medical services in exchange for food, water, and shelter. Until she got caught by a kidnappers gang who took her to a Human Auction House in Sabaody. She was offered in auction, minutes before Camie’s auction and its consequent incident with the Tenryuubitos and the Marines. When it was her turn she walked to the stage, with bandages and visible signs of physical abuse, caged so she couldn’t escape. The host described her as a “Young, attractive woman who could provide immediate medical services and “personal” favors. Called “The red snake”, she was known as the captain of The Crossed Red, the user of the Undo Undo No Mi.” Trafalgar Law wasn’t paying much attention to it until he heard of her former organization and her devil fruit. He recognized her, along with most of the assistants to the auction. She looked up at the audience and recognized Law’s yellow and black jacket, The Heart Pirates’ Jolly Roger, and the big polar bear that’s part of his crew. Law didn’t do anything, though, as he knew that he had no business to do there. Eventually, during the commotion provoked by The Straw Hats, Night ran away along with the other freed slaves. As she ran away she crossed paths with Law, who indicated to her the exit. This was the last time they saw each other in months.

Luckily little after leaving Sabaody, she got in contact with The Revolutionary Army, who welcomed her for a few months. This is when Night got to meet Nico Robin and they became good friends. However, Night decided to keep traveling on her own. Performing as a doctor to wherever she could travel to, just asking for food and shelter in exchange. After months of traveling, The Heart Pirates ground on an island looking for supplies. The crew visited a farmer’s market, and this is where their captain, Trafalgar Law met Night once again. He recognized her unique red hair. She was helping some children that got hurt while playing. She comforted the kids and used her devil fruit powers to heal their wounds. Law’s eyes widened when he saw her doing it. She told the kids to keep it a secret, they made it a promise and left to keep playing. This is when he confirmed that she was that woman he saw at the Auction House. He walked towards her, she turned to him and her eyes widened too. Night got to see this man once again. The man she only knew of from so many newspapers was finally before her. After a small exchange of words, Law asked her many questions but she didn't answer any of them and left. During the rest of the day he asks the villagers but nobody knows enough about her. Then in the evening Law finds Night drinking in a bar on the beach and they start talking and drinking together. Night realized that despite his cold stern personality, they connect very well. After a long evening of getting to know each other he asked her to join his crew since there was only one licensed in medicine, who happened to be the captain and the swordsman as well, so the crew would have a doctor when he was out, besides, her devil fruit would also come in handy.


Trafalgar Law | Love interest 

He's the captain of The Heart Pirates and he asked her to join his crew. The connection was immediate, they became best friends and progressively turned to a romantic relationship that has remained a secret from everyone, even their crew mates. But after one incident Shachi has found out about this relationship, promising to keep the secret, but not missing the opportunity to tease them, specially Law.

The Heart Pirates | Crew's current doctor

She's the crew's doctor. She's perceived as a motherly figure for most of the crew members. She cares for them deeply, always making sure that they're well and healthy, not just because she's a doctor but because she appreciates them as well.

Nico Robin | Friends

They met back in The Revolutionary Army after Night lost her crew. Quickly became really good friends. After joining The Heart Pirates, Night takes any opportunity to see her during their alliance with The Straw Hat Pirates.