


1 year, 29 days ago


Sadly don't think I can give this gal the home she deserves, so she's up for offers!

Open to basically any offer! Always looking for more art, so don't be afraid to offer! I'm especially looking for human/humanoid art, but dragons and canines are totally cool too! Offer whatever you'd find fun to do!

- Not looking for new characters as the moment, I'm afraid! ^^' (basically won't be taking design or character trades)

- I won't accept anything NSFW or anything made with or by AI

Here's what I did come up with:

- Lives in a steampunk setting. Sort of victorian with zeppelins and steam but its magic

- Owns a very cluttered (but organized to her. Organized chaos) mechanic shop. She makes everything from prosthetics to steam animal companions, to little trinkets and steam-based accessories

- Big lover of decorative gears. Everything gets a gear

- Steam is sourced from the supermassive volcano at the center of the world

- ADHD and autistic, her special interest is steam-bases tech, and her favoruite thing to make is steam-based companions

- Loves getting to decorate the prosthetics she makes, especially when her clients give full freedom

- Sweet and very friendly and chatty, she can run entire conversations with herself. She is getting better at talking with others outside of client work, but it tires her out quickly (so many things to remember). Very passionate about things and can barely contain herself from infodumping all her knowledge. Has a great reputation as a mechanic, her knowledge and craft is extensive and well-honed.

(I'll leave the questions of pollution up to you)