Ainoo Lavonne



6 years, 3 days ago


Name: Ainoo Lavonne
Age: 240
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
Extra about the body: Feminine, curvy
Occupation: Homemaker (not working, mainly does chores around the house)
Current residence: Heart A
Zodiac: Dragonfly - Balanced

Personality: Kind, cheerful, loving, shy, romantic, indecisive, attached, very sentimental, dependent on others emotionally, will do anything to make others smile

Likes: Spending time with Eva and her uncle, light clothes, perfumes, baking, gardening, getting a compliment on anything, love stories, handsome men specially with glasses (because her favourite drama actor is like that xD), mimicking Eva in clothing and everything she does

Dislikes: Being left alone, others being busy around her, not achieving enough in her life, cold, blood (for a bamharr she finds it disgusting),being scolded, stockings (but she'll wear them because Eva does too)

Bio: Ainoo lost her parents in an accident so her father's brother, Gabriel Lavonne took her in and raised her along with Eva. Ainoo has always felt love, admiration and gratefullness towards her new family, that's why
she decided to support them in any way she can, even if she knows it is not much. Unfortunately, Ainoo never turned out fitting for Academy or studying in general, and she has never been as determined and strong willed as Eva. Her uncle and Eva both knew that so they never forced anything like that on her. They know it is hard for her to keep up with a family who's all into the harsh military issues of this huge Heart. Ainoo constantly feels
the need to prove herself somehow, for the lack of skills she has. She is envious of Eva for being so amazing in her eyes, but it is not an ill feeling towards her cousin, more of looking up to her greatly. She tries to keep
their mansion clean, bakes them all kinds of nice things they like and waits for their return with a beautiful garden. She only dislikes it when her family has to be away for a longer while. Ainoo really hates being alone, it just makes her feel unsafe. Because of that, she likes to spend her time in Heart A's huge city, shopping and visiting some others whenever she can and her chores allow her!

Extra facts:

- Ainoo is on very good terms with all the neighbors and often bakes for them
- Will cry desperately on sad movies or news
- Collects every photo or gift she gets from others and keeps them as treasures
- Is a huge fan of the model Artemis!


Bamharrs, a CLOSED species belonging to me, please do NOT make one without my consent!

drawing, stuff, bamharrs (c) me , :iconbamharr-babes: