


1 year, 23 days ago


Meet Midas, the burning alchemist Nightmare !

Midas is an impressive and inspiring equine. He has a strong inner power and will always find a way to overcome any challenge thanks to his bravery, and will not hesitate to act selflessly to stand up for what is right.
His natural charisma and goodwill make him very endearing, and creating new bonds with people is easy, as he also has a great leadrship that can inspire others and contribute to create a positive atmosphere.

He's also a powerful alchemist, as the philosopher's stone inside his left arm proves it. But Midas is no evil, and uses it only to protect and heal ! But you may not get him angry though ...

He likes to study alchemy, trying to understand every mysteries this science has to offer, such as transmutation, and this is thanks to mythology that he got into this stuff. Midas can explain for hours the history of every greek gods and legends of ancient times and reading all this stories made him craving for power. But no worries ! He wants to be a powerful friend !
Midas wants to be powerful so he can fight against infamy. He clearly doesn't want to do anything wrong with his skills, making this hard to work on, and failure cannot be tolerate for him. Being rejected by others, trying to be a good person would be the worst case scenario for him.