Mitzi Lemonpop (Relationships)




Aezrow Di'erreson

An old friend of Mitzi, that you could say she knew since school. Aezrow would often drag her along to gag train and do her tasks if she's slacking. Usually the one who is hard on her, but he does it with good intentions as he wants her to succeed.

Aezrow belongs to my brother, Aezrow


Drippy Milton

A friend of Aezrow's that also became a friend to Mitzi. They don't often talk much, but he does try to teach her the right way how to use gags when she begins to silently panic. Often does this if Aezrow can't instruct quickly.

Drippy belongs to Aezrow's friend.


Melody Sourberry

Mitzi's best friend who's often chaotic. Doesn't give a flying duck for anything and often says "Deal with it." when she does something crazy or dumb. Always with Mitzi when it comes to cog buildings and gag training.


Sed convallis, lorem ut imperdiet vehicula, orci lectus iaculis elit, et tempus metus massa nec nisi. Donec accumsan egestas tellus, tincidunt pulvinar lorem elementum blandit. Nunc id nulla sed felis pellentesque imperdiet. Vestibulum feugiat elit maximus eros scelerisque iaculis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras imperdiet mollis nunc sit amet congue. Donec nec porttitor urna. Fusce posuere posuere venenatis.


Sed convallis, lorem ut imperdiet vehicula, orci lectus iaculis elit, et tempus metus massa nec nisi. Donec accumsan egestas tellus, tincidunt pulvinar lorem elementum blandit. Nunc id nulla sed felis pellentesque imperdiet. Vestibulum feugiat elit maximus eros scelerisque iaculis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras imperdiet mollis nunc sit amet congue. Donec nec porttitor urna. Fusce posuere posuere venenatis.

Code by Aurorean