Emiri Horie



Basic Info

Name in Kanji






Sex assigned at birth


Sexual orientation


Romantic orientation



165 cm (6'4 in)


50 kg (110 lbs)

Blood type



September 4th



Language spoken

Japanese, French, English, Russian, Korean, Chinese


Tokyo dialect with a bit of Russian accent

Dominant hand



Depression and Autisim

Eye color


Hair color



Personality: Emiri was known for being cold and calculating. This was a facade she put on to hide her deeper insecurities. She had a hard time letting herself be vulnerable, and often felt the need to put on a tough exterior to protect herself and cover up her fears. This mask of toughness made her appear arrogant and conceited, but those who knew her well knew her true nature and the soft heart that lay beneath her hard exterior.

Backstory: A girl born to a family of film makers, was heavily influenced by them to become a film critic. Emiri is very talented, and knows a lot about film making, editing, the various arts that are used, and is great at analyzing films. She was always interested in films, and her parents were more than willing to expose her to them. They even had a mini film studio in their house, which she would spend hours watching and reviewing films with them, and learning everything there was to know about cinema. Emiri's love for film is very apparent, and she always wants to share it with others.

The parents of the film critic were often very busy with their work, and sometimes did not give much time to their daughter. This led to the Emiri feeling neglected when she was a child, and even into her teenage years. This caused her to feel like she was not a priority to her parents, and made her feel like they were always putting their work before her. This made her develop low self-esteem and a sense of inferiority, which she dealt with by constantly seeking approval from others. The film critic's parents were unaware of the effects their busy lifestyle was having on their daughter.

Emiri's childhood best friend was very jealous of her, and wanted to bring her down. She started a whisper campaign, spreading rumors about her, starting fights, and even destroying some of her personal items. Emiri was bullied and isolated by her classmates and teachers as a result. Emiri was then manipulated into believing she could trust her friend again, only to be betrayed once more. This cycle of betrayal and manipulation continued throughout her childhood and early adolescence, causing the film critic to develop issues with trust and self-esteem. She would often isolate herself and feel depressed.

Despite Emiri's childhood best friend's cruel actions, Emiri still felt unconditional love for her. She wanted nothing more than to be with her, and was willing to do anything to win her affection. She would often make excuses for Emiri's childhood best friend's behavior, and would try to see the good in her, even if there was none. Emiri remained loyal to Emiri's childhood best friend even after all the pain and suffering she had caused her, and continued to love her unconditionally. Emiri's childhood best friend took advantage of this, and continued to hurt Emiri without mercy or remorse.