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Dulce, the canine with a striking coat of brown and cream fur, possesses a gaze that captivates with its piercing blue eyes. Born into a world where communication flows like a river, Dulce developed a unique affinity for the intricacies of language and the subtle nuances of expression. From an early age, their natural talent for decoding messages and navigating the intricate dance of social interactions set them apart from their canine companions. Dulce's skepticism, however, acts as a guiding light in a world where words can be as elusive as the shifting sands.

Raised in a diverse community of canines, Dulce's backstory is interwoven with tales of deciphering the language of snakes, a skill that became both a gift and a burden. As a canine adept at interpreting the silent hisses and subtle gestures of their slithering counterparts, Dulce often found themselves caught between the worlds of canines and serpents. This unique connection with snakes shaped their understanding of communication in its many forms, fostering a sense of skepticism that compelled them to question the intentions behind spoken and unspoken words alike.

Dulce's goals revolve around unraveling the mysteries of communication and forging connections in a world where trust can be as fragile as a spider's web. Eager to bridge the gap between different species, Dulce aspires to be a mediator, promoting understanding and harmony in a world where the language of snakes is often misunderstood. Through their journey, Dulce seeks to cultivate a community where skepticism serves as a tool for discernment rather than a barrier, creating a space where the subtle nuances of communication can be appreciated and celebrated.