
1 year, 25 days ago


Basic info: Prounons she/her/hers. 19 years old. Lesbian.

Personality: Very enthusiastic and peppy "Oh my gosh that is so cool!" - qoute used a lot. She is extroverted (she gets energy from being around people. Don't...ask about her sleep schedule it isn't the best. She likes to stay up most of the night reading comedy novels.

Strengths:  She tries her best to be kind. Kindness has helped her in the past and she wishes to extend that to others. She has a warm and friendly environment around her. She can make someone have a good laugh.

Weaknesses: She is disorganized. Sometimes her friendliness comes over as fake -She has a tendency to pretend to be happy even when she is upset. 

Likes: Colorful things, glitter ,compliments and complimenting others, happy and cute storys. 

 Dislikes: Being asked what species she is(she has no idea) .Darker colors. Bitter foods. Stories with sad endings, she feels as if the characters struggles were meaningless if the endings are sad. 

Occupation: She is a college student, cultural history major . Her current part time job is at a small business greeting people at the counter and dealing with complaints.

Backstory: She was adopted as a baby by her mother. However due to her unique appearance Erin always knew she was adopted since she started school. However her mother was amazing and always tried her best to support Erin in her struggles. But, in school Erin was often questioned, a lot about her looks, her species. Things she didn't know the answer to. Sometimes people went as far as insulting her due to her confusion. When she tried to show discomfort with this things always got worse. This made her afraid of showing discomfort. However a kind named Alaric friend encouraged her to seek help, so she told her mother what was going on and they moved to a different school district. Her friend tagged along as his parents didn't like the school district either. She was grateful for all the kindness she received, and felt guilt. This lead her to attempting to make everyone happy. Which doesn't always work out. She's now learned to sometimes stay quiet and ignore people. As for the issue of her species and heritage, she took a dna test and found no answers. She had moved on enough to joke about this with Alaric and her mother.

Relationships: Owns an apartment with Alaric. They both moved out recently and are trying to figure things out. Occasionally they get into arguments over organization but are overall good friends and keep each other company. Alaric is the only person, other than Erin's mother that she is comfortable showing discomfort over non major things with.