Midnightsky ✦



1 year, 1 month ago




NAME: Midnightsky
AGE: 18 moons
PRONOUNS: she/her



RANK: Deputy
CLAN: SpringClan

Midnightsky is quite tall and fluffy, making her one of the rather masculine cats in SpringClan. After all, she got most physical traits - aside the floppy ear - from her father, Blackbird, who is an absolute unit.

Her lip scar was caused by a walk she went back with her little sibling figure, Petalpaw. She didn't let it heal properly in order to let it become a special memory of Petalpaw as the small medic apprentice went missing not too longer after.


How could you...?!

Was he always like this? Y'know, as a kid?


Midnightsky was born as an only-child to her mother, Moonsight, and her father, Blackbird. She had a pretty ordinary kithood - she got well along with her peers and generally was pretty excited to become a warrior apprentice. Rabbittail was chosen as Midnightkit's mentor long before she became an apprentice, as Rabbittail had been in the nursery Midnightkit's entire kithood while her daughter, Dawnkit(mist) grew up beside Midnightkit.

After Midnightkit became an apprentice, her parents had chosen to leave SpringClan and live nearby as loners, as clan life didn't seem to suit them and they simply wanted to have more time for themselves. Midnightpaw, while wanting to stay with her parents, insisted to stay in the clan as she genuinely enjoyed clan life a lot and didn't want to give up her apprenticeship. Her parents, while they were worried about their daughter distancing herself from them and their relationship becoming strained, hesitantly let Midnightpaw stay, as they were still close by and Tawnystar assured them that both Midnightpaw and her parents would absolutely be allowed to visit eachother anytime they want to.

Midnightpaw enjoyed her time with her mentor a lot, and she was forming a close friendship with Dawnpaw, too. She was turning into a skilled hunter and fighter, her apprenticeship almost going perfectly.

After some time had passed, Batpaw, formerly from FallClan, joined SpringClan. Midnightpaw couldn't really tell why, but she - while the two being around the same age - never really trusted and liked Batpaw, as something seemed off about him - Batpaw seemed to think the same about her. Despite that, Midnightpaw successfully became a warrior, now carrying the name Midnightsky. She occasionally visited her parents, and even got an apprentice, Mothpaw. After Tawnystar and SpringClan's former deputy got very sick, she had also started helping out Stormcloud, the medic, as well as her young medicine cat apprentice called Petalpaw. Midnightsky had always wanted a little sibling, so she'd start taking care of Petalpaw and watching out for him. Her mentorship of Mothpaw had also gone very well, the two got close really quicky and Mothpaw started turning into a very skilled hunter.

Some time had passed and SpringClan's deputy unfortunately passed away due to the sickness within the clan slowly spreading itself around - thus Tawnystar chose Batflight as his next successor. To the clan's desmise, Tawnystar, too, passed away not too long after Batflight was chosen as the clan's deputy. Batflight quickly received his nine lives and, to Midnightsky's unfortunate surprise, chose her as the new deputy. Midnightsky was shocked yet overwhelmed, while she pretended to happily take over the role, thousands of questions were going through her head; Why exactly did Batstar chose her as his deputy when the two never got along in the first place? Why her? Why not someone else?

Now with her sudden new role, Midnightsky still kept continuing both her old and new duties; she kept mentoring Mothpaw, helped out Petalpaw, as Stormcloud now caught the sickness too, and took care of her new duties as deputy - everything seemed to go on pretty well, despite Batstar being awfully insufferable to work with.

But, at a certain point, things would start to take a turn. Midnightsky had lost both Mothpaw and Petalpaw, two cats she had cared about very much, in a very short timespan - While Petalpaw went missing and is now assumed to be dead, Mothpaw had gone inside a very tight cave nearby SpringClan territory, and unfortunately, he ended up never getting out of it. Ever since that, Midnightsky had been going through the five stages of grief, to the point where she'd start blaming herself. At the current moment, while she is bottling up her emotions and keeping her immense amount of grief all silently by herself, she yet still manages to keep going and tries to live her life as if nothing had gone wrong...



  • Having to not interact with Batstar
  • Mentoring
  • Spending time with her family and friends


  • Batstar
  • Hot temperatures
  • Ignorant and egoistical cats

Due to her physical apperance, Midnightsky may seem intimidating and bold to many, but in reality, she is a very empathetic, honest and rather a emotional cat who cares sincerely and deeply about those close to her.

Midnightsky is also quite fierce, has a strong sense of justice and is not afraid to stand up for herself when needed. However, she tends to be very stubborn sometimes, especially since just recently, she's lost both her apprentice and sibling figure she's cared so deeply about, thus she is basically going through the five stages of grief right now and tends to unconsciously cope in a quite unhealthy way, not really taking care of herself.

But even so, Midnightsky tries her very best to stay in active contact with her friends and peers, and do her job as deputy as best as she can, even with her... asshole of a leader constantly making things harder for her.




Midnightsky heavily dislikes Batstar - ever since he joined SpringClan, the two never really got along but at least, Midnightsky was almost completely able to distant herself from him; however, ever since she was chosen as deputy, Midnightsky's been practically forced to work with Batstar, whether she likes it or not.

Midnightsky is utterly confused about Batstar as a person and his motive for chosing her as the second cat in power, despite him treating her like utter garbage and often crossing her boundaries - thus their conversations would constantly end up arguments and both sarcastically insulting eachother, especially since the Petalpaw and Mothpaw incident. Midnightsky, while trying to stand up for herself, has trouble doing so due to Batstar's constant manipulation and his general controlling and insensitive nature.



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