Jaguar [捷豹]



1 year, 1 month ago


Name: Tzu-yu [子瑜].

Aliases: Jaguar [捷豹].

Age: 27 yrs. old.

Gender: Male.

POB: Yuri-Zhen, Taiwan.

Occupation: Mercenary. 

Weapons: Metal claw extension brass knuckles, various short knives and a long range rifle.

Brief History: Tzu-yu was born in a remote town where his father's house resided at the edge of the dense Taiwanese jungle. It was a beautiful and dangerous place for a child. Tzu-yu's mother was not around for him to know her, his father was a very downcast man who spent much of his time completely alone in his room. With little to do, but not struggling for anything, the boy found ways to entertain himself. Most days, he played outside, just at the cusp of the deep green woods where a small stream ran over the rocks.

 One dusk, the sun melted slowly behind the trees and outlined the enchanting silhouette of a large cat. It looked at him knowingly, the reflection of the sun off the water in its eyes. It stood from its perch on a downed tree and pranced off into the shadows. Mesmerized, Tzu-yu gave chase. His small body flying gracefully through the thick leaves and hanging branches. The cat seemed to wait for him to catch up at certain points, and only took safer passages. It could have taken the high ground and made off through the trees, but it didn't. It waited but never got too close. Always faster than the boy's legs could carry him. Eventually, the cat came to a cave entrance and disappeared into it. Gnarled roots from a tree atop the great rock wove its spindly fingers down all sides of it, enveloping the stone entirely. Small yellowed leaves speckled the vines and flittered gently in the wind. The fading day cast a last wave of blue light over the sky and died behind Tzu-yu's back. 

[In progress...]