


1 year, 21 days ago



Name Guardian
Gender Male
Age 21
Birthday 3/8/2002
Species Wolf
Race Gray-Red Hybrid
Job [Redacted]

Extremely cautious and defensive due to his backstory. Now he is in a massive rebellion called [Redacted] against the tyranical government called Republic [Redacted].

  • Chatting w/ friends
  • Beaches/Sand
  • Nature Walks
  • [Specifically Redacted]
  • Slavery
  • Bullies
  • Popularity
  • Liars

Childhood to Present Day

In a world torn apart by a civil war driven by hateful and greedy factions, Guardian's tragic journey began as a mere infant. The conflict demanded exorbitant sacrifices, with citizens forced to surrender 75%-85% of their hard-earned resources. Guardian's father, compelled by the promise of a free and safe future, served under the Republic of [Redacted], aiming to protect his family. However, his life was cut short within a mere three months of fighting.

Amidst the chaos, Guardian and his mother endured two long years of relentless warfare. Eventually, the war concluded, and the Republic of [Redacted] emerged victorious, bringing a fragile semblance of stability. Yet, their respite was shattered when Guardian reached the age of 17. Their home was violently invaded, resulting in the brutal murder of his mother, Lucy. Guardian was subjected to unspeakable acts, forced to witness the horrors unleashed upon his loved ones.

Haunted by the trauma and grappling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Guardian sought solace and justice from the authorities. However, his pleas fell on deaf ears as law enforcement offered little assistance, leaving him abandoned in his grief. Labeled as "mentally insane" due to his justified hostility and deep-rooted distrust of the law, Guardian found himself marginalized and ostracized by a system meant to protect its citizens.

Fueled by his anguish and driven by an unwavering desire to protect others affected by government negligence, Guardian made a fateful decision. He embraced the mantle of a vigilante, becoming a gun-for-hire for families shattered by the government's failure to safeguard its own people. With every contract he undertook, Guardian sought to bring justice to those abandoned by the very system that was meant to protect them.

As a shadowy figure lurking in the shadows, Guardian fought to restore hope and deliver retribution to those who escaped the grasp of justice. In a nation teetering on the edge of collapse, he emerged as a beacon of defiance, wielding his skills and unyielding determination to bring closure to the victims and instill fear in the hearts of the corrupt elite.

Driven by his tragic past and fueled by the desire to rebuild a broken society, Guardian's path as a vigilante unfolded, challenging the oppressive status quo and offering a glimmer of hope to those desperate for change.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Magna eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing. Ultrices sagittis orci a scelerisque purus semper eget. Turpis massa tincidunt dui ut ornare lectus. Quam viverra orci sagittis eu volutpat odio. Faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper sit amet risus. Arcu bibendum at varius vel pharetra. Eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor. Semper risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque.

Height 5,10
Body type Small, Skinny
Fur color Black, Dark Grey, Light Grey, Grey
Fur style yes
Eyes Blue
Skin Caucasian

Design notes

  • Fur Design:
  • The fur design was more of a natural look while having a interesting twist with the colors. Nothing overly special just something different compared to what other wolf designs have.
  • Patterns:
  • Now when it comes to the designs, it was more of a idea of that the lighter areas were to hide his friendly side which was typically covered up besides the face and neck. Meanwhile the rest of his body that is visible is a darker tone, to represent his aggressivness.
  • Hair
  • Wasn't really a design choice by me, personally I dont prefer it however my (use to be) girl friend kinda forced my hand on it since she was the one designing and drawing it for me.

html by Euna