Data ☄️⚙️🪐



1 year, 1 month ago


I may be pursuing an untamed ornithoid without cause
Lt. Cmdr. Data Soong
Approx. 30 Earth-years
Reactivated Feb 2, 2338
Agender (he/him)
Pan, AroAce
Caitian android
USS Enterprise-D ops officer & second officer
March 2023
  • his friends
  • his cat
  • observing, learning about, and emulating people
  • visual arts, music (classical), drama, LARP
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content

Data is an android created by the Caitian cyberneticist Noonien Soong and his wife Juliana. His home planet is Omicron Theta, where he grew up in a colony of Caitians and humans until it was attacked by the Crystalline Entity. He had been deactivated to upload donated memory engrams from colonists when he attack occured. He was discovered and reactivated by the USS Tripoli, prompting him to enroll in Starfleet Academy. He retained no memories of his young life. His entrance to the academy was only contested by Dr. Bruce Maddox, on the grounds that he was not a sentient being -- Maddox later became a supporter of Data's autonomy and the rights of his cybernetic kin. He graduated with the class of 2345 with honors in exobiology and probability mechanics. He excelled in school, but had trouble socially. He served about starships as an ensign for three years, lieutenant for twelve years, and lieutenant commander for the remainder of his career. He was placed on the Enterprise in 2364. He is the second officer (third most senior officer, behind Captain Picard and Commander Riker) and regularly takes night watch on the bridge since he doesn't need to sleep.

Data did not make any friends throughout his career in the Academy or in any of his postings until he was assigned to the Enterprise. His first friend was Geordi La Forge, who joined the crew at the same time. Geordi had taken an interest in cybernetics in the Academy, and Data had been featured in journals and textbooks on the subject. He was of course interested in how he functioned, but never viewed him as a "machine" by any means. They became close as they served together on the bridge for a year, before Geordi was promoted and assigned Chief Engineer. Geordi is the single most knowledgeable person when it comes to Soong-type androids (barring Soong himself and Juliana) and always aids Data with diagnostics, repairs, and experiments.

  • He was techically only two years old when he enrolled in Starfleet Academy.
  • He adopted an Earth feline after learning how similar they are to Caitians. He is an orange tabby named Spot. (In the show Spot is also sometimes referred to as female, and actually had kittens, but I choose to pretend that isn't canon because I refuse to believe in a future where people don't spay their cats. Also who was the father???)
  • Having grown up mostly around humans, particularly after leaving Omicron Theta, Data has developed an affinity for them and strives to be more like them.
  • Data has struggled with Starfleet command. Commander Maddox very nearly had him forcefully decommissioned when he refused to sumbit to a study that could have ended his life. A legal battle resulted in his recognition as a sentient being with the right to choose, but he was still the subject of much debate. Several years later, he expanded on his father's work and created a child, whom he called Lal ("beloved"). Data, with the support of Picard, had to defend his right as a parent to raise his daughter rather than having her taken away for study. Lal passed away due to cascade failure in her positronic matrix. Data is generally respected within Starfleet, as a decorated officer, but has found that some people view him as unfit for a command position because he is cybernetic and supposedly unfeeling.
  • Data now engages in regular correspondance with Maddox, who likes to hear about his endeavors in learning about humans.
  • Data does not have emotions in the same way organic beings do -- he simply wasn't wired to feel. He refers to himself as unemotional because of this, but in reality he just experiences feelings in significantly different ways from those around him. He says that while he can't feel love, his neural pathways become accustomed to the sensory input of being around his friends and he misses the input when it isn't there. Which is like... what love is, actually.



Noonien Soong and Juliana Tainer

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.




[This is 2360s-Data, so B-4 is still undiscovered]




Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.



Geordi La Forge

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.

Best Friend


Jean-Luc Picard

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.

Best Friend


Will Riker

Data and Riker were both assigned to the Enterprise in 2364, alongside Geordi, Worf, and Tasha.

Best Friend


Deanna Troi

Data and Deanna were both assigned to the Enterprise in 2364, alongside Riker, Geordi, Worf, and Tasha.

Best Friend



Data and Worf were both assigned to the Enterprise in 2364, alongside Riker, Geordi, Deanna, and Tasha.

Best Friend


Tasha Yar

Data and Tasha were both assigned to the Enterprise in 2364, alongside Riker, Geordi, Deanna, and Worf. They served on the bridge together until Tasha was killed on an away mission that same year.