
1 year, 24 days ago


ming yues bodyguard and a spirit that was made when cosmo made the realm, orion is a not very trusting person, he doesnt trust anyone who tries to get close to ming yue. One day Orion was walking around after getting a strange feeling he was supposed to be in a predetermined place at a predetermined time. He found ming yue passed out and took him to a shady spot in a forest which just happened to be where a unknown "fox" had been lurking from the shadows so orion pulled his sword out and asked who was there, out popped Kuro who was out foraging for stuff for his mother when he saw that orion needed help waking up ming yue. Orion wasnt trusting of the young kitsune who would later go on to become mings closest friend and a bit more trusted by orion then anyone else.

Orions trust issues come from all the stuff hes seen on his travels from the war, to him the war was just a thing that was stupid as much as he liked to fight he wasnt interested in anyone elses fights. He trained many years in private while waiting for the host to show up because cosmo kept isisting that everything was set in stone by fate and that we should be patient for the perfect host to be born. He waited and waited the whole time(maybe playing uno with lyra and "cosmo" /j).

Orion has been said to have eyes that remind one of a black hole and alot of people dont like to make eye contact with him out of fear that they will be sucked in but alas thats not the case, Orion had been alone alot because of this but ming yue was the first person to ever look him in the eyes because he was used to being alone, he wanted to be friends with Orion or at least close to him because he didnt want him to be alone anymore.