★ Akihiro “Aki” Yamazaki



1 year, 1 month ago




Name Akihiro Yamazaki
Called Aki
Age 18-21
Gender Cis Male (he/him)
Race Japanese
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Birthday Dec 13


  • Direct
  • Inquisitive
  • Critical


  • Cats
  • Winter
  • Logic

Aki's straightforward and a bit judgmental. He tends to appear self-centered and rude due to his unwavering focus on himself, but it's rooted in rationality, rather than a disregard for others. In Aki's close group, he's fiercely loyal, showing a deep commitment to those he considers family. Beyond his tough exterior, there's a softer, shyer side that shows up when confronted with intimate situations.



Aki grew up under a lot of pressure. His mother had big dreams for them both, so they left Japan when he was 8 for a "fresh start" in America. Adjusting to the country was incredibly challenging especially as he grappled with learning a language. Every conversation became an obstacle to overcome, every interaction a test of his ability to adapt and assimilate. Despite his best efforts, Aki often felt like an outsider, especially with his mother pushing him so hard.

His mother was relentless about success. Every aspect of his life became a competition, where winning wasn't enough—he had to excel. Whether it was schoolwork or even the most mundane tasks, he had to go above and beyond. It wasn't just about winning; it was about being extraordinary. His mother's high expectations left little room for mistakes, which only instilled a deep-seated fear of failure.


It wasn’t until he was 10 that Aki made his first friend: a girl his own age named Evelynn Laine. She was Aki’s opposite in every way. Aki was shy and introverted, whereas Evelynn was a playful and sweet child without much inhibition. She had a quirky and sometimes awkward personality but she didn’t let it get in the way of talking to all kinds of people and having fun.

Evelynn's openness and kindness drew Aki out of his shell. She would invite him to play and hang out with her and her friends, encouraging him to join in group activities. Despite his initial reluctance, Aki found comfort in Evelynn's company and slowly began to open up to her.

However, Aki struggled to connect with Evelynn's friends. Their interests and mannerisms foreign to him. He often found himself feeling out of place and misunderstood in their presence, leading to him feeling frustrated and isolated.


During middle school, Evelynn remained Aki's only close friend. Despite his efforts to fit in, he continued to feel out of place. By the time he was 13, a nervous Evelynn asked him to be her boyfriend. Aki was taken aback, never having really thought about romantic relationships before, but he found Evelynn's confession endearing and shyly agreed.

They secretly dated throughout middle school, but they never told anyone, not even their closest friends. Their relationship was atypical in many ways. Despite being "boyfriend and girlfriend," their dynamic remained largely unchanged. They didn't do typical relationship behaviors like kissing or holding hands, but they definitely began to be more attached to eachothers hip

At the same time, Aki had become largely proficient in English, allowing him to communicate most of his thoughts and feelings, even if he occasionally was abstract or his grammar wasn't perfect.

Unfortunately, Aki and Evelynn's closeness was short-lived when they entered high school. Aki was enrolled in an all-boys private high school, while Evelynn attended a public high school. Despite the distance, they continued their secret relationship, texting and hanging out occasionally.

However, Aki found himself busier than ever with schoolwork, chores, and a strict curfew of 6 p.m. To say he was stressed would be an understatement. He struggled to balance his responsibilities and often felt overwhelmed by the weight of his obligations. Despite his reluctance to share details, Aki found himself opening up and confiding in Evelynn, if only briefly.

Evelynn, coming from a neglectful family background, didn't fully grasp the concept of having an overbearing parent and so many responsibilities. Nevertheless, she tried her best to understand and comfort Aki. She would call him often, offering him a few moments of respite from his hectic schedule to take a break and talk. Though brief, they provided Aki with a much-needed distraction and support.

First Kiss

Two years into their relationship, Aki and Evelynn still had one milestone to reach: their first kiss.

Leading up to that night, Aki was feeling stressed and overwhelmed. He worried about school, his growing responsibilities, and what his mom expected of him. It felt like he was always on edge, and barely keeping it together.

He called Evelynn, looking for comfort, although he downplayed his anxiety. Despite his attempts to hide it, Evelynn sensed something was off. She could hear the strain in his voice, even as he insisted everything was fine.

As they talked, Evelynn suddenly told Aki to look out his window. He was confused but did it anyway. He couldn't believe it when he saw Evelynn standing outside in the dark. He asked if she was crazy, but she just begged him to sneak out and join her.

Aki had never snuck out before, so he was really unsure about it. But Evelynn made it seem so exciting that he couldn't resist. He awkwardly climbed out of his window and made his way down to the ground. When he got there, Evelynn was waiting for him, looking thrilled.

The cool night air felt refreshing, calming his nerves. As they walked together, a quiet peace settled between them. Evelynn didn't ask about what was bothering him, and for once, Aki didn't have to think about his worries. He could just enjoy being with her.

They decided to settle down and continue their talk. As they sat on the curb, looking out at the quiet street, Aki felt something change. The tension he'd been feeling started to go away, replaced with excitement. Evelynn's presence always made him feel better, knowing she was there for him.

In the moonlight, Aki looked at Evelynn, and he couldn't help but think how pretty she looked. At that moment, he felt grateful to have her in his life. Before he could really think about it, Aki leaned in and kissed Evelynn on the lips. It was just a quick peck. But when he pulled back and saw Evelynn's surprised expression, he felt mortified. "I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did that??" Aki apologized frantically, but Evelynn, clearly embarrassed too, assured him it was okay.


During high school, Aki found himself enrolled in a French class, a subject he had never been particularly interested in. Despite his lack of enthusiasm, his mother insisted that he would love it and made him feel guilty for even considering saying no.

Similarly, Aki started learning the piano when he was 10 years old, continuing with weekly lessons and private tutoring sessions throughout middle and highschool. Like French, he had never felt interest in piano, but he approached it with the same sense of duty. Despite his lack of motivation, Aki made sure to be the best he possibly could be.

By 11th grade, Aki was given the opportunity to take college-level courses in addition to his regular high school classes. These courses were significantly more challenging and demanding than anything he had done before, placing even greater pressure on him.

Friendship Part 2

By this time, Aki started to see Evelynn's friends as his own. They had spent enough time together that he felt comfortable around them, even if he didn't always understand their jokes or interests. He found himself enjoying their company and feeling included in their conversations and activities. Over time, he began to realize that they were more than just Evelynn's friends - they were his friends too.

Aki and Evelynn still never felt the need to publicly announce their relationship status. Plus, Aki harbored a genuine fear of his mother discovering their relationship and potentially cutting off his contact with Evelynn. While his mother was aware of Evelynn's presence in his life, her attitude towards Evelynn was far from warm. It seemed as though allowing Aki to spend time with Evelynn was more of his mother indulging him than anything. The thought of losing Evelynn because of his mother's disapproval left Aki feeling sick to his stomach.


At 17 years old, Aki's doctor recommends him to undergo an autism assessment. Aki initially reacts with disbelief, feeling embarrassed and offended by the suggestion that something might be wrong with him. His mother, staunch in her belief that her son is normal, dismisses the idea entirely.

After a considerable amount of persuasion from the doctor, Aki's mother begrudgingly allows him to decide whether he wants to undergo the assessment. Aki ultimately agrees to it, convinced that there's nothing wrong with him and the doctors will realize it soon enough. A few months later, Aki receives an Autism diagnosis.


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Evelynn - ENFJ [ Girlfriend ]

Evelynn and Aki's relationship is complex. Evelynn, a friendly and outgoing person, prioritizes others' needs over her own, valuing kindness over honesty. Conflicts arise due to differences in their lifestyles, leading to occasional arguments. Despite this, Aki deeply cares for Evelynn, wishing she would focus more on herself.


Raya - MEOW [ Pet Cat ]



Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

if you can't see his mole when you're zoomed out, it isn't big enough. Please don't forget it or I might edit it in myself.

Tab Navigation

Adulthood - Anything where Aki is over 18

Hair Growth Arc - When Aki starts growing out his hair. He's 18 during this period, and growing out his hair for the first time. The themes of many of these illustrations are not accurate

Childhood - anything where aki is under 17, in the future I may become more specific

Silly - character memes/games

NSFW - anything NSFW including nude references