Zoltan Oriel Geshriphila



6 years, 1 month ago


Name: Zoltan Oriel Geshriphila

Nickname: Zolt, Zol, Zo

Gender: Male

DOB: July 16th

Zodiac: Umatiis

Age: 37

Height: 7'5 ft

Weight: 15.6 stone

Build: Tall and muscular

Element: Lava (Internalised)

Class: Berserker/Warrior

Location: Travelling

Occupation: Henchman

Weapon(s): Greatsword

Relationship Status: Courting

Personality: Zoltan is a strangely calm person who doesn't speak much. He seems to appear void of emotion a lot of the time, showing no empathy or apathy for the situations he's faced with. All he does is observe. He often keeps to himself and stays away from others if he can help it, finding his own little spots to sit alone and think. If someone even comes close to his spot once, he immediately finds another. He likes to get into hard to reach places. Sometimes the adrenaline gets to him and he can suddenly turn, acting quickly and violently. At these times he reverts to an even more mindless state than normal and takes things much to far, but it's really the only time he shows true and raw emotion as far as people know. 


In Reshega Zoltan was a soldier in the military, in which he sustained many scars but also gained a kill or be killed attitude towards the world around him. He took part in King Aktin's operations and willingly kidnapped children, restraining them into caches for transportation to the new realm. He had faith in Aktin because of his control over others and how he gave off an aura of unimaginable power. 

Zoltan was one of the many on the front lines of the invasion into Esilis. He feared nothing he had known and the human world they were greeted with didn't scare him either. He went to fight without question, mercilessly killing human troops and even collecting their bodies as trophies to drag around. Once the battle had finally calmed, Zoltan was left with a sense of eerie emptiness as many feared him for his actions and he walked into the new world alone.

He remained an outcast from the developing society around him for a long time, until he met Harpy. Harpy employed him to pillage and raid to his heart's content and even paid him for it. It was a dream come true.

After the fall of Harpy, Zoltan grows restless and craves something to ignite the embers of his spirit once again.

Theme: https://youtu.be/qb_6k-6lSj4


- When fired-up and in battle his blood turns to lava, meaning drawing blood from him can cause harm to those attacking. Veins are visible from under his skin in this state, burning brightly.

- After the incident with Aktin, he no longer respects those stronger than him and challenges them instead. He has many scars from Harpy because of this.

- His body has many scars in general, he gets a lot of them and even causes some himself to use his blood to harm others.

- Will go out of his way to fight wild animals, especially Zorfeliha.

- His favourite colour is blue. His favourite food is any Zorfeliha meat. His favourite drink is Barbapipet juice.