


1 year, 1 month ago


  • Age: 13-15
  • Gender Identity: Female (Trans-Fem)
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Sexuality: Lesbian 
  • Species: Human (formerly), Cane turtle mutant (currently)
  • Height: 5'8/172cm

Angel was mutated when the oozesquitos initially escaped from Draxum's lab. At the time she had a pet cane turtle she cared for and that was the cause of her mutation into one.

Out of fear she took to the streets and left her family behind because she was already having a rocky time communicating with them because of her part in the LGBT community so this mutation was the final straw.

After spending quite a few nights on the streets was when the turtles saw her wandering around and took her in where she eventually confided in them with her troubles.

The housing was temporary but she did become close with all of them and they agreed to help Angel emotionally prep for going back to her family which she did eventually do after having stayed with the mutant family for a while.

When Angel went back to her family she did end up being accepted and her family welcomed her back with open arms (she came out then too and that also went well despite being a very emotional conversation).