


1 year, 4 months ago



At a glance, there isn’t really much to be said about Kestrel. On a surface level he’s a go with the flow sort of person.

He’s not a fan of huge fusses or noise, being someone who would rather sit back and relax all day. In a way, that’s a strength of his. He’s a mellow sort of person- though not particularly social, he’s decent company, and tends to gel well with most people on the sheer basis that he’ll pretty much tolerate anything. Whether that’s because he has the patience of a saint or because he’s simply too lazy to deal with things is up for debate.  Regardless, he’s a good listener, or at least good at nodding vaguely at whatever you decide to prattle on about to him.

For the most part though, his lack of initiative leaves much to be desired. He’s a lazy and dispassionate person without much in the way of ambition, and it’s hard to get him moving on things when he feels as if his time is better spent napping. The lack of enthusiasm when it comes to doing anything can be a joykiller to some. He also won’t bother with making an effort to be polite. It’s too much work, he’d say, and authorities are even likelier to get a flippant attitude from him. It’s hard to earn his respect, but at the very least he’s not someone to actively antagonize people. The worst he’ll give is a crude remark and a yawn as he ignores whatever is bothering him. Ignorance is bliss, as they say, and he takes that to heart.

However, choosing to ignore things doesn’t make him naïve. In fact, he’s surprisingly perceptive for someone who claims not to care much for anyone or anything. Kestrel wouldn’t have survived as long as he has without a sharp intuition, as someone who has grown used to navigating the underbelly of society. Life has taught him that it’s important to be able to read people, especially those that appear to be kind on the surface. He hates diving into details, and he certainly doesn’t trust people to know the details about himself. He’s your lazy local nap-lover, and that’s all you need.