


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


?? (she/her)






Down The Rabbit Hole


alicia is basically a living doll, gorgeous looks but utterly empty inside. the death of her brother Mono has left her alone and stranded in his criminal affairs and she Manages, she has always managed, but that doesn't mean she Likes it or wants to be here, really. she has long since stopped fighting it though, the family hunted her down before to give her a "support system" or whatever they might've called it, but truly, she is not here for them. or for herself. she is here to honor her stupid brother's legacy. because someone has to. (and she's scared of forgetting him if she were to leave. but she wouldn't admit that. she would never admit she was Deciding to stay. why would she)She was fine, you know, before it happened. lived a happy life far away from whatever He was doing. They met every once in a while, had a nice superficial chat about nothing at all and just enjoyed each others company. but those chats became rarer and rarer the older they grew and one day there was a plain white envelope in her mailbox informing her that he had passed a week ago. how do you react to that. how are you supposed to cope with having already lost your brother. a week? a week is forever ago. she couldn't even remember what she was Doing a week ago. But there he was, dying, and she didn't know. didn't know why, either, or from what. just that it was now too late. far too late.
who wouldn't seek out every last shred of his memory, then? visit his place of work and talk to his coworkers, just to discover that they weren't really coworkers at all and that his kind and loving wife wasn't a teacher, but the newly appointed head of a crime syndicate? the one He had lead before? that he had children and they were just as bad? and that apparently their own late parents were the heads before him? how deep did it go, Alicia wondered then, and it never let her go. who wouldn't go mad if faced with that? a reality so fully turned around, too late to question or influence Mono for the better. he was gone. all that was left was the syndicate and their crumbling headquarters, every passing truck threatening to demolish all that she had left of her brother. who wouldn't stay? who wouldn't try to obsessively fix what wasn't broken, because surely there must be Something she could do; anything?
she was fine, really. just a normal woman solving normal woman problems. she didn't need help. she was fine. she was fine.