


1 year, 1 month ago


1:02 3:07

corseïs | they/he/she | 26

The golden child of their family, everybody has always believed that Soledad will do great things -- and they have. They trained to be a scout, to explore the wastelands as part of the most skilled and prestigious job a corseïs can do, and for several years they were a master of their work. Arrogant, yes, but not in a way they hadn't earned.

Then they met a wastelander who turned everything they knew on its head.

  • skill
  • creature comforts
  • cleverness
  • imperfection
  • illogic
  • disloyalty

there's no one else could ever hold me like you do

lawful good | the sun
intelligent prodigious vain

Soledad has been in competition with others for as long as they can remember. It defined them: they were always best, always on top, always winning. They outcompeted their own siblings first, and then friends, rivals, and peers later on, all with the singleminded goal of becoming one of Postinen's scouts: the most prestigious job they could set their sights on. And they achieved it, with flying colors. They are an infuriatingly competent person, and they never let those around them forget it.

While Sol is both talented and vain, they are also eager to learn and quick to recognize when someone else has something valuable to teach. When they don't know something, they are not afraid to ask questions and interrogate a topic until they have gained a perfect understanding of it. This willingness to become a student is one of the only things that makes them tolerable to a larger group: at least they know what they don't know, and they learn well. Still, Soledad has not made themself very many friends.


there's nowhere else that i'd rather be than with you

7'5 | lithe | confident

Soledad is a pale yellow corseïs with a white underbelly and a long, dark purple mane which floats in the air around it. They have a long horn and an elaborately shaped stinger, both of which are metallic, and small stars and constellations float around their head and the tip of their tail. Their eyes are a pale purple.

Important Notes
  • Soledad's mane, tail, and dark markings glitter when they move.
  • The floating stars around their head and tail are variable.
  • The fur on their tail is longest at the base of their tail and the end.

they call us lucky, but i think we might be cursed

of the sun's protege
Early Life

Soledad's family was small and loving. Both of their parents were moderately successful, and they only grew up with one sibling. While Sol's relationship with their sibling was sometimes contentious, they generally believed that they led a charmed life: everything was storybook. They were allowed to be their family's overachiever, and always rose to the challenge -- despite what it did to their relationship with their brother.

When Sol was 18 years old, they were allowed to begin scout training. They pushed themself to their limit, and passed through training with flying colors. When they were 20, they were allowed their first trip down into the wasteland below Postinen, and they spent five years working for the scouts before they found the most important challenge they would ever be confronted with: a wastelander by the name of Caro.

An Unlikely Friend

Soledad discovered a camp out in the wastes, and began investigating it for signs of danger. Everything was dangerous in the wasteland: there was Mother Plague, the most dangerous thing imaginable, but there were countless smaller things to look out for as well. Even the corseïs who still lived down here were dangerous: they were far more prone to pick fights than anyone on Postinen, even the criminals, and Soledad had been thoroughly warned never to let their guard down.

This time, they were unlucky: the owner of the camp discovered them, and -- as Sol had expected -- he picked a fight. He was also mouthy, flinging insults at Sol which Sol returned in kind, even up to the point that they won and were driven away by the stranger.

But that wasn't the last time the two of them would encounter each other. Soledad ran into their adversary many times after that, and each time they were accused of following him, threatening him. And each time, something that he said piqued their interest -- he implied each time that there was something they didn't know about the wastelanders, something Postinen hid from them. And Sol's boundless curiosity got the better of them: they began seeking their stranger out, following him across the wastelands whenever their job allowed.

One day, they met and Sol refused to fight. Instead, they asked all the burning questions that had dug into their mind over the months: what was it like to live in the wastelands? Why did he always talk like nobody in the world could be trusted? Why did he hate Postinen and those who dwelled there so much? Sol's rival was wary, but had never been afraid to speak, and every question Sol flung at him, he answered readily. Sol learned much from him, including his name: Caro.

Sol considered them friends from there, but Caro never let go of his innate distrust. He had grown up, Soledad learned, in an environment where trust got people killed. So Sol accepted that he would take time to warm up to them, and focused their efforts on being as unthreatening as possible. When they could, they even directed their own peers, fellow scouts, away from the places Caro stayed -- a measure to protect their friend from those he despised, and who despised him.

All the while, they waited for Caro to come around.

A Sacrifice

Soledad always knew that their tentative peace couldn't last. It was shattered one day, when a pair of scouts Soledad knew stumbled across Caro's latest camp. Soledad found them after the fight had already begun, and when they saw Caro outnumbered and struggling Sol didn't think before leaping to his defense. Turning against their own peers was a crime, one that would be punished -- but Soledad cared more for Caro in that moment than they cared about their reputation or their career.

When Caro and Sol won, and the scouts were driven away, Caro turned on Soledad. He was angry, it seemed, that Sol had helpedhim; it didn't make sense, he said, that they would sacrifice their life's work to defend him. This argument turned into a mirror of their first meeting: the two of them fought, spitting anger at each other as they did, until one of them finally won. This time, it was Sol.

They pinned Caro to the ground and snarled in his face: they helped him because they cared about him. They helped him because his friendship was valuable to them; because they couldn't stand by and watch someone they loved get hurt for nothing, by bullies who didn't care. They helped him because it was natural to help those they loved. And they told him that they didn't want a transactional relationship with him, where a score was always kept and a debt always repaid: all they wanted was for Caro to stop looking over his shoulder, waiting for Sol to finally turn on him. It stunned Caro into silence for the first time in Sol's memory.

The scouts Soledad had driven off reported them for it, of course. Soledad was stripped of their rank and confined to the island -- only scouts were allowed to take the trip the wastes. Sol and Caro didn't see each other again for months.

cause the way you love me, i could drink the river dry and still die of thirst

of the sun and stars

friend, rival, lover

Caro changed the way Soledad saw the world. For so long, their life had been measured by how exceptional they could be, how successful they were in comparison to their peers. Caro was familiar with such a hyper-competitive state of existence, except that his life actually meant something. It wasn't petty competition, it was survival. And it was unfair. Learning this changed Soledad for the better: they will always be grateful for the way their perspective changed because of Caro. They love him knowing that it will never become a competition, because there is no way to love him more.

They love his sarcasm. They love how straightforward his logic works, even when it doesn't match theirs. They love that he is physically stronger than them -- it makes fighting him a challenge of skill. They love how competitive he is, and how competitive he encourages them to be in turn. And they love that Caro never takes them for granted: he is always finding new ways to surprise them.


older brother

Soledad and Altalune have never had a close relationship. Growing up, Sol always pit themself against him, and Altalune could never match Soledad's raw talent. The two of them drifted apart when they were very young, and for years neither one made a special effort to repair their relationship. Sol kept some tabs on what their brother did, but always disapproved: Altalune had fallen into the criminal world of Zhido, and nothing good could come of that.

It was only after Sol met Caro that they began to consider that their poor relationship with their brother was their fault. After being stripped of their rank as scout, they reached out again -- humble, this time -- hoping they could make some sort of amends.