Lydia Heart



1 year, 1 month ago


Lydia Heart is a mutant vigilante from Washington DC. Lydia uses any pronouns, but mostly sticks to she/they/he. Born with super hearing and severe Nystagmus, Lydia falls ill, contracting measles at just 2 years old. Her parents cannot afford any treatment and Lydia loses much of her remaining sight shortly after, and almost dies of pneumonia. Her parents blame their money issues on their severe drug addictions, raddled with guilt and believing they are the reason their daughter is now disabled, they distance themselves from her, and have little to do with her upbringing there after.

Depending on the universe, Lydia moves to Manhattan anywhere between her freshman year of high school and her freshman year of college. Just the same, her vigilantism begins at different points in her life in each universe. In every universe Lydia is nearby and hears the abduction of a young girl. Despite her trying, her echolocation is rudimentary at best and she loses the child before she able to do anything about it. This is the turning point in her story (her "uncle ben" moment).


-unnamed father †
-unnamed mother 

-Liam Heart (younger brother)

Identity: secret 

Occupation: social worker, vigilante 

Education: Columbia, Masters in Social Work

Base of operations: Hell's Kitchen, New York City, New York.

First Appearance: Daredevil #203 (October, 1983)