— jaclynn's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

bored_fan Global Rules

> dont ripoff or heavily inspire off my designs obviously
> i dont care for colorpicking as long as the design is different enough
> redesigns are alright as long as they dont stray too far from the base design
(i dont mind you editing over my art, just please keep the original in gallery)
> you may not use my designs for any problematic content
(this includes stuff like feral porn and proship)
> again this should be obvious, but please dont seek out my designs if ive blocked you (block = blacklist)

public blacklist (i wont be giving reasons, dont ask)
> bizkit
> pidgeone/deadopossum
> orcature/swissarmyman/pauldano
> batcultist
> fluxtill