Oprah (One Piece)



1 year, 9 days ago



15 (pre-timeskip); 25 (after timeskip)
2'11" (cook point); 5'11" (sword point)
Human-Human Fruit, Flame-Flame Fruit



Oprah is an orange reindeer hailing from Yaspin Island in an alternate One Piece timeline, known for having eaten the Human-Human Fruit and later the Flame-Flame Fruit. Pre-timeskip, she defaulted to her Cook Point, was quiet and timid, yet would always take it upon herself to protect her crew, such as her best friend Elijah. Post-timeskip, Oprah instead defaults to her Sword Point, is much more confident and outgoing, and is now known for being an expert cook, botanist, and swordswoman. She also wields powerful armament and observation haki.




After having his ship destroyed and being impaled by the debris, Elijah would wash up upon the shore of the snow-covered Yaspin Island. Critically injured, he surrendered one of the last things in his possession - the Human-Human Fruit - to a nearby reindeer in the hopes of a miracle. Fortunately, with just one bite, she would immediately unlock a new level of awareness and rush the man to a nearby village for help. After passing out in a nearby stable from exhaustion, the reindeer woke up to herself transformed into a human hybrid of sorts, yet wasted no time checking up on Elijah, who she thankfully found safe and sound. Another washed-up crewmate named Ross would eventually make his way to the doctor and then rejoice with his recovered friend. He would initally see the reindeer as an opprotunity for food, but it was then when Elijah insisted she was instead a new member of the crew. This upbringing would lead to Oprah and Elijah becoming best friends.


(Oprah's Cook Point)

Oprah would meet her other fellow crewmates, such as Troy and Kruger, who would also bear Devil Fruit powers. Her ties to the mysterious food would lead Oprah to develop a fascination for fruit in general, landing her the position of cook. While responsible for preparing all of the crew's meals, her specialty were desserts, whether it be smoothies or jawbreakers. Oprah would go with her friends on many different adventures to explore, fight, and build a Devil Fruit collection, where she would realize the full potential of her Human-Human fruit powers by unlocking many new humaniod forms. When the crew entered a tournament with the goal of recovering their stolen equipment, Oprah would unlock her Heavy Point while facing her opponent, and unlock Monster point when making their escape. She would also then obtain the "Wado Ichimonji", which would become her signature weapon and lead her to become the crew's swordswoman. After a gym was built within the ship, Oprah would also slowly learn and even master armament and observation haki with the help of her friends.


20 years later, Troy would take his leave to become the head of the Marines with the goal of reforming them, but would still stay in contact with the crew as they would continue to venture together. While Kruger would map out the rest of the world, Oprah would record and study the many different fruits of the world. This eventually lead to her discovery of a method which allowed a Devil User to consume and gain the benefits of a second fruit, unharmed. Having mastered the powers of the Human-Human Fruit, Oprah would use this newfound knowledge by looking through the crew's Devil Fruit collection and picking out the Flame-Flame fruit, going on to use its power to cook and fight in new and spectacular ways. Oprah has also reached the peak of her armament haki training, now capable of dicing an opponent with a swift, single strike.

(Oprah's Sword Point)