


1 year, 1 month ago


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Character Name: Lirin 

Starting Age: 18 

Race: Half-Elf 

Rank: Soldier 

Gender: Genderfluid 

Pronouns: Any, Usually They/Them 

Sexuality: Bi, Ace 

Voice Claim: Hunter Noceda - TOH 


Lirin has a striking appearance with dirty blonde hair that falls in loose waves around their face. Their piercing eyes are captivating and seem to sparking with inner light and mischief. They have scars on their face which give them an air of mystery and stregnth. 


Personality Description: 

Lirin is adventurous and courageous, they are always eager to explore and find new places and things. They are resourceful and abke to find creative solutions to situations that they are in. Lirin can however be disorganised and struggles to keep their life in order, when challenged they can become defensive, feeling attacked and misunderstood. He withdraws from social situations preferring to spend time alone than with others. 

Positive attributes: 

Adventurous: Lirin loves to try new things and explore the word around them, they are always seeking out new challenges and experiences. 

Courageous: They have a strong work ethic and never give up in the face of challenges or setbacks. They always push forward to try and achieve their goals. 

Resourceful: Lirin is able to find creative solutions to problems and is skilled at making the most of that they have. 

Negative attributes: 

Disorganised: Lirin is chaotic and messy, often losing track of important tasks and responsibility's. 

Defensive: They get easily offended and take criticism personally, often becoming defensive and hostile when challenged. 

Withdrawn: Lirin can be emotionally distant and uncommunicative, often avoiding social situations and personal relationships. 



Rina: Mother (Deceaced) 

Alorin: Father (Deceased) 

Arin: Younger Sister (Alive) 

Khan: Pet Wolf (Alive) 

Kali: Friend (Alive) 

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Growing up Lirin was always working around the house and garden with his mother, they admired their fathers strength and aspired to be a soldier just like him. He trained hard trying to follow in their fathers footsteps. Learning from his mother how to survive in the wilderness. Lirin wasn't as close to his father as the two didn't spend nearly as much time together as him and his mother. 

When Lirin hit 16 years old they went to go and train in the soldiers barracks and training ground with her father. Just a year after Lirin became a soldier in training the kingdom of Mivia was betrayed by one of their closest allies. When war broke out Lirin wasn't nearly ready, Mivias forces were outnumbered but the soldiers fought valiantly. Lirin joined in on the fighting and quickly proved themselves to be adept with a sword. 

In the heat of battle, Alorin was killed. Lirin was devaststed - their father had always been his hero and now he was gone. As they tried to process the grief in battle their troop received an urgent message the king was dead.. Lirins troop set out towards the castle, defeating opposing forces as they went, rescuing the princess from enemies was difficult but they managed to do it. Deciding to take her away from central Mivia and towards her home village. 

When the two arrived at the village devastation was all that could be seen. Lirin dropped to her knees in front of their house, Rina was dead... It looked like she had fought until her last breath. Quickly remerging about his younger sister Lirin left Kali in front of his ruined house and went to search for Arin. They needed to know if his remaining family member was alive. 

Lirin found Arin hiding in one of the many cupboards in the basement of the house, Rina had hidden Arin there to try and protect her from the onslaught of enemy soldiers. It had worked. 

He took Arin by the shoulders and just stared at their younger sister hugging them tightly Lirin vowed to protect her even if it cost them his life. 

Lirin stayed with Arin in their village to help rebuild, Kali stayed with them not able to go back to the castle deeming it to be to unsafe. After a year of rebuilding Lirin left, Kali stayed to look after Arin and Khan. Lirin left Khan to protect Arin and Kali from harm as he left to try and restore the kingdom for Kali to become queen and lead the kingdom to an era of peace and prosperity.