


1 year, 1 month ago



"Hey, kiddo! Welcome to your new home! You're safe now."



Max, Maxie



May 5th, 1991



Mexican American

Male presenting

he/him (or any)


Confident, sturdy, trusthworthy


Billionaire CEO

The Empress

Upper class


Max has all the personality of a rich, fun, loving uncle that’ll let you get away with anything (reasonably, of course). He’s always willing to share what he has with anyone that askes, wants, or needs it. Max loves what he does and wants to use these opportunities he has to make the world a better place for all he can.

Max is eccentric, with an almost childish curiosity about him. He’s optimistic and encouraging of others in what they like, want to do, or who they want to be. He'll always support people in any way he can. He’s respectful of other’s faiths, beliefs, identities, and more. Max is very mothering, taking this role on often whether he needs to or not.

Max isn’t afraid to stand up for people and isn't afraid to confront a problem if necessary. He likes being a parental figure, a leader, or an authoritative person—-not in a negative sense. He likes being someone people can look up to, trust, or go to if they need it. Max cares deeply for those that have no one. He’s eager to help just about anyone, though will back off if asked to. He's understanding and patient, and cares only about the needs and comforts of those in his care.

Rarely does Max take things too far, though he has had moments where he forgets the limitations of humans or anyone that’s alive and not built like him. Max is responsible, though he doesn’t like being told how he should and shouldn’t do things. He hates having to be proper and boring and will often neglect being so. Max rarely gets annoyed. When he does, he can be sarcastic and passive-aggressive if anything.

Max is highly skilled with medical knowledge enough he can perform complex surgeries and has the confidence to try. He’s charismatic, good at talking to people, and coming up with answers on the fly if and when needed.


Patient, encouraging
Optimistic, fun
Generous, selfless
Smart, clear-headed, curious
Attractive, charming
Artful, breezy
Breezy, casual
Reckless, sometimes careless
Naive, foolish


Max is a thoughtful pacer. He paces around when he's thinking or nervous. Max writes down or draws when he's thinking as well.

Max has a habit of staring at people when he studies them to understand them better.





Max loves the ocean, and enjoys being near it! He loves the sound it makes, and will sometimes sit at the docks to listen to it early in the morning.

Max loves the island of Neopora, which he calls home!

Max enjoys buying gifts of all sorts for others! This can include buying stores and buildings to turn into useful places for lost mysticals.

Max enjoys caring for children, finding their company fun. He enjoys helping kids and misplaced teens. Max also loves robotics and technology.


Max isn't a fan of mistreatment of any kind towards anyone or anything; including robots!

Max doesn't like when people abuse robots because they're seen as unfeeling machines, even if they're just that.

Max doesn't like touching water, it bothers him.

Max doesn't like not always understanding the limits of people.


Max is afraid of losing those in his care, or those he loves more than anything.

Knowing him personally and all the things he's done, Max is afraid of William and what he can and might do to everyone he cares about.

Max is afraid he won't be enough to make a change for those that need him. He's afraid of letting them down.

Max is terrified of the idea of losing his home to those that want to get rid of him and the people he takes in. He's afraid they'll take it away and destroy it.


COLOR Greens and blues; tropical colors

ANIMAL Dolphins

FOOD Cheese and crackers

DRINK Hawaiian Punch (Polar Blast)

FLOWER Red Hibiscus



HOLIDAY Mother's Day

PLACE (fictional) Neopora Island

SCENT The tropical air

GENRE Action adventure



Max grew up in Unity city, Rhode Island, not knowing of the outside world (in a personal sense), beyond the white walls of the laboratory in which he called home for most of his childhood. He was always eager to get out and explore the world for real, instead of what had been uploaded of it into his mind.


It was the early 80s in (fictional) Unity City, Rhode Island, where, in an orphanage, a fourteen-year old Max had caught the attention of a visiting doctor. Max was a hardworking, determined boy, and was often overlooked because everyone wanted to adopt the younger kids instead of a teenager. Max had always been determined to make sure everyone found their families. So, every time the strange doctor visited, Max was still there to warmly greet him without fail.

It was during this time that, having a moment of vulnerability when the doctor saw this poor boy doing his best for everyone, carrying the brunt of everything, including the punishments when other children accidentally broke something, or didn’t get to their chores, that they decided to adopt him. Max reminded the doctor of themself as a kid. They had grown fond of Max's nickname of ‘Doctor Billy’.

Max became the doctor's assistant, apprentice, and son. And, for the first time in a long time, the doctor had a child they loved as their own again. It wasn’t too long later that Max had suddenly fallen sick. The doctor did everything to cure Max of what he had, but their efforts weren’t met with easy progress, if any at all. Max had grown worse quickly. So out of pure desperation, the doctor began to try more risky ideas. One of which ended up resulting in an accident in the laboratory that killed Max, much to the doctor’s horror.

The doctor did what they could to revive Max unsuccessfully. In the end, they were forced to remove Max’s soul instead and constructed a robotic body for him. It took a few tries before the smallest model of a very young child turned out to be the working one, and Max, now called Maximilian was “reborn”.

Unfortunately, Max’s brain wasn't able to be saved. And in the process of transference, Max's soul was damaged. He didn’t have any of his previous memories. Disgruntled and grief-stricken, the doctor realized the Max they knew was gone, and instead was replaced with a copy that didn’t live up to the original at all. Though Maximilian had all the same traits and personality as before, without the memories, he had to relearn everything.

The doctor treated Maximilian differently. They grew to resent the name ‘Billy’, and hated any little similarity to the original he had. Despite this, the doctor did still take care of Maximilian, raising him to believe he was human, and replacing his model every so often to simulate growth.


After going to school and college, learning how to fit into society once free of the lab, Maximilian went on to become a very rich, very eccentric and successful man who felt the need to care for those left behind like him. Maximilian himself didn’t hate his creator. He still has a soft spot for them.

Max now owns and runs a sanctuary for people like him and others on the island of Neopora. There exists several smaller sanctuaries and safe houses around the world in various locations for people to seek shelter in until they can get to the main island. There, they'll be safe from those that wish to harm them.


The Basic Abilities Of a Robot:

The abilities that a robot possesses include: Super strength: robots are more often designed stronger than most humans, because of this, they can be resistant to some bullets and firepower. Super intelligence: makes a robot smarter than people with their computerized brain, making them able to calculate and processes at a rate beyond human.

Radiation resistance: making a robot able to walk through otherwise dangerously toxic, irradiated areas without damage or issue, as they are completely resistant to radiation poisoning and its effects. High resilience: which makes most robots resistant to extreme situations that would be fatal to living bodies.

Multiple Vision Types:

A lot of robots have multiple functions of their vision, allowing them to have different abilities. These include: infrared, motion tracking, facial identification and recognition, microscopic, x-ray, ultraviolet, motion analysis, scanning, and night vision.


With Max's advanced technology, he can cloak himself to bend light around himself in order to invisible or blend with his environment.

Microphone and Recording Function:

With a microphone Max can track conversations from a distance or through objects, giving him a super-hearing ability. With a recording function, Max is able to record and then play back audio/visuals and detect voice fluctuations and stress in a person.


Max has a horrible habit of forgetting he's a robot, as he was raised to believe he was human. This leads to him “giving” himself human weaknesses and limitations. He’ll shut down if he’s “gravely hurt”. Max is prone to viruses, despite being advanced technology. He can still be hacked.

Low power causes him to malfunction. Just as people sleep, he needs to recharge every so often as well—though not nearly as often as a person would need to sleep. Max can be in water, as he is resistant to water damage. But if he’s hurt, and water gets into his system, it can cause problems. Max doesn’t need to eat, though he is designed to be able to “consume” food. Too much will clog his systems.

Like with most robots, an EMP can knock Max out or shut him down. There is always a chance he could electrically overload, which causes a temporary shutdown, and in very dire situations it could destroy him.


Blood Type: Synthetic, artificial “blood”

Addictions: Spending money

Allergies: None

Physical Illness: None

Mental Illness: None


Accent: Hispanic

Notes: Max knows and speaks any human language and can translate them if needed--this includes most sign as well.
Max’s voice is pretty chill, laidback, and cool sounding, with a down-to-earth sort of tone. Sometimes his voice is booming and boisterous, full of energy, and excitement. He has a sort-of Hispanic sounding accent, which is only noticeable when excited or he’s not concentrating.

Swears: Rarely--not around kids

Quirks: Max calls people "kiddo", "kid", "honey" a lot, even if they're older than him.


BODY TYPE: Athletic, toned
BODY BUILD: Medium build
HEIGHT: 6'5"
HAIR TYPE: Thich and shaggy
HAIR COLOR: Dark brown
HAIR STYLE: Surfer style
EYE COLOR: Warm brown, golden shine


  • Max can be in different clothes than shown. But he wears a lot of odd clothes.
  • Max doesn’t technically have scars. His scars are places of exposed wiring; like on his upper chest (the left side, just below his collarbone) and his left, mid forearm.
  • Max has a titanium prosthetic arm which doubles as a weapon capable of shooting blasts of energy, producing a laser beam light, and various blades. He can cloak his arm to match the rest of his body if he wants to, but usually won't do so unless he has to blend in. Max likes showing it off, or wowing people with how he lost it (this story changes a lot).
  • Max has a circular wristwatch with a bright blue screen face that projects functional, interactive images into the air. The watch connects to anything he makes and can be used to control several machines around the island, as well various other functions (such as a scan for vitals, a flashlight, a communication setting, and more). He often wears his watch.


Please use Max's character sheet for reference on how he looks!


  • Max has accidentally committed tax fraud on a few circumstances.
  • Max is good at using technology, hacking into most things, and planning complicated missions and heists.
  • Max is an artist and has a sketchbook he keeps his ideas, notes, and designs in that he carries around with him always.
  • Max's name actually means: Multipurpose Artificially Xword Intelligent Multifunctional Immediate Linguistics Identification Androidic Nurse (M.A.X.I.M.I.L.I.A.N)


Ivanna Ward/adopted daughter

Ivanna is Max's ward and adopted daughter. She was the first person he helped out of an awful situation. Since Ivanna had severe memory loss and trauma, and she wouldn't trust anyone but Max, he took her in. Max trained her to use her trauma and need for revenge to put to good. And while he doesn't approve her thirst for bloodshed, he doesn't always stop her from killing a target that is absolute scum. Max finds Ivanna has a caring soft side beneath her hard shell of an exterior, and he's often the only one that ever gets to see it. Max loves Ivanna as if she were his own flesh and blood.

IvyUnofficial daughter

When Max met Ivy for the first time, he instantly connected with her. He saw himself in Ivy with her selfless need to help others anyway she could. He saw how hard working and caring she was, and how similar their lives were. Max wanted to give Ivy a better one. More importantly, he wanted to give her a place to call home, and a family she could call her own. Max is proud of Ivy and wants nothing but the best for her.


Max feels bad for Edmond, who he knows is very sick. He wants to help the poor boy, who he's grown very fond of over the years. He often scolds Edmond for his reckless nature, but doesn't stay mad at him long for it. He wishes Edmond would take better care of himself, though also understands it's a long process to learn.


Max loves Milo's optimism and friendly nature. Like with the other kids, Max wants Milo to feel at home there. He respects and admires Milo's wonder and loving nature he shows the little kids that live there too. Max would do anything for Milo if he asked.


Like with Edmond, Max feels bad for Silver, who has nowhere to go anymore. He wants to give her a home and a family like he wants to give Ivy and the others. He wants to be someone Silver can trust, who is a parental figure. He's patient with Eira's feelings and growth. He understands she's lost a lot and needs to be nurtured and loved.


Max doesn't get along with William much at all. The two of them are not on good terms with William trying to destroy everything Max stands for and loves at every possible chance. Despite the bitterness, Max still welcomes William, seeing him as someone that just needs as much help and love as anyone else left behind that he's taken in.

Attitude Towards:

Strangers: Max is outwardly friendly towards strangers! He likes meeting new people.

AQUAINTANCE: Max, again, is outwardly friendly, and is perfectly happy talking with those he knows a little more than strangers.

friends: Max treats his friends as his kids sometimes, taking on the "mom friend" role.

family: Everyone Max is close with is his family, which he treats as such.

lovers: Max has never had a lover before.

rivals: Max can be passive-aggressive when it comes to rivals.

enemies: Max doesn't have trust for those that want to hurt anyone he cares about, and will allow extreme measures to be taken in order to keep everyone safe.