~ Commissions ~'s Comments

  • Style / Type: Chibi
  • Pose / Expression: anything is fine! She normally has a neutral expression
  • Reference: https://toyhou.se/24647136.bug
  • Notes: She's basically shaped like a kitten/adolescent!
  • Payment Method: Cashapp/Paypal
Could I get one? ^^

I wanna get a painted one later if I can get the money jehfhf your art is gorg!

Do I dm this form bc I literally just woke up wurhrhhr

I saw insta dm but I wasn't sure if that meant th dm too waa

Yep! It means dm aswell ^^ /lh

Sorry I had literally just woken up erhjghfdjhg
Gimme a few FJGEDRG

Its okay! You can just copy and paste the form you sent and message it to me instead. It's really all the info I need ^^

Tho I'd change the payment method to just one - either one works but It's more simple for me if it's just the one you prefer ^^

I'm fine with both so it's whatever you prefer at the time!

Questions, If I want to get a custom to look like this https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warriors-ocs/images/4/4c/KestrelstarV4.png/revision/latest?cb=20180208061750 , how much would it be? 

Hiya I'm sorry, the link you sent isn't working for me.

I also would appreciate it if you'd messaged me instead, I prefer to keep buisness related things in a more neat and easier to keep up with setting.