


1 year, 25 days ago


Warriors: Rising Waters RP
Name Irisflower

Former Names Iriskit

Gender she-cat (she/her)

Orientation panromantic

Apprentice N/A

Rank warrior

Residence ReedClan


Irisflower is a blue-gray (or bluish gray) molly (or she-cat) with green eyes. Her breed resembles / is an oriental longhair, also known as the British Angora, Mandarin or Foreign Longhairs. She has symmetrical, dark gray spotted tabby markings and a scar on her right shoulder from an attack. Her tail is bushy and average-lengthed. She had average heighted limbs and tufted ears.

Design notes
  • Rexx gave inspiration for the design!! Yippee!!
  • Cassius gave a look on the design, which led to the final design!!
  • Link! (see/click here)

Irisflower is a very carefree cat. She doesn’t seem to worry about anything at all! She treats everything without seriousness. Because she doesn’t take her problems seriously, she’s often seen as airy. Her optimism makes her view the world in a different light! She secretly thinks that she HAS to be optimistic for the others. She feels that for them to be happy, she needs to make them happy. Her friendliness is something you will see very often with her! She acts warm to everyone! Even with cats who absolutely hate her! She wants to be amusing to others so they smile more (like a professional clown, haha. I wonder who made that joke!). Irisflower is very strong-willed, and will never lose her determination no matter how many times she is told off. She isn’t afraid to voice out her opinions. She can be really… secretive. Many things hide behind her cheerful personality.

She doesn’t ask for much and appreciates almost everything. As distracted she may seem, she ACTUALLY gets the job done. She could watch birds for most of the patrol but in the end, she does what she came out to do. She currently supports the war but has unseen doubts. She doesn’t want to voice out the doubts now, but she WILL voice them out when the opportunity comes by. Though not agreeing with the war, she will still participate in it. This is a good chance to find out how much of a threat some cat is, and then she can make her full judgment on whether RyeClan is really that bad. She does hope they can put up a fight though. It’s rare to see her snap. She only breaks free of her usual attitude if she has learnt very unpleasant information. And by unpleasant information, I mean information that is either extremely heartbreaking or the worst news possible in her perspective (something like ‘hey, we ban you from ReedClan’ but in a more serious matter, or ‘you. Yes you. We’re making you go on a mission you’re uncomfortable with). This would cause her to act distant and more hostile towards her clanmates and especially to outsiders.

  • irises
  • fish
  • swimming
  • boringness
  • abandonment
  • being mistrusted


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Irisflower was born as Iriskit to Shallowpond and Leechtail. She never met her parents. Why? Well, nobody ever told her this but her parents are long gone. Her father had drowned and her mother died giving birth to her. The Clan kind of thought that she was too young to know this kind of stuff, so they never shared this information to her. She was fostered by another queen who treated her like their other kits. While she was never told directly, the elders in the nursery would give unnoticeable hints about what happened to her father, Shallowpond, with stories. This, of course, frightened Iriskit very deeply, and caused her to learn how to swim regularly. During her kithood, she enjoyed playing ‘Guess The Number’, ‘Play-fight’, and ‘Count The Stones’. When she grew older, the Clan kind of forgot to tell her. The death of her parents wasn’t really significant, and they thought she was told about it already… or at least that’s what her foster mother told them. She eventually figured it out, though./p>

Apprenticed, her name turned into Irispaw. She did the things most apprentices would do, learning how to hunt, fight, and all that stuff! She spent most of her time perfecting her skill of swimming. Her main focus in her apprenticehood was on her senses and her lesser focus was her strength. She thought that it wouldn’t be significant in the future. She was, in a way, wrong, however. Oh yeah, she also frequently went out of camp and talked to trees to improve her fear of crowds. On a specific day, she decided to get out of camp for a stroll, and accidentally bumped into a fox den. The fox lunged out at her. The fox and her had a small fight, which resulted in the scar on her right shoulder. In the end, she ran away and hopped into a puddle of mud to hide her scent. But hey, at least she made it out alive!

She was promoted to a warrior with the name of Irisflower. She did the things most warriors did. Patrolling, hunting, eating, gathering resources, etc. She often collected irises and would SOMETIMES put them on her body (e.g.: fur, behind ears, tail, etc.) but never usually. Her reason for collecting irises are… rather peculiar. She thought that it was boring for her nest to not have anything on it, so she collected them to decorate them. Why irises out of all plants? Well, she thinks that irises could symbolize her (after all, her name IS ‘Iris’flower. Get it? Eh? Okay, never mind.) and she just likes irises.


  • Her name:
  • Prefix [Iris] — named after irises as a symbol of hope of surviving
  • Suffix [flower] — irises are flowers, duh.
  • She likes counting objects. Wow.
  • If she met Coco (the backup character in case she doesn't get accepted), I think they'd be friends... if there was no law /hj

Relation, †

Your character's thoughts of this character. Can be in character or not.

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