
1 year, 25 days ago


Name Coco

Aliases Coconut

Gender tom (he/him)

Orientation panromantic asexual

Apprentice N/A

Rank rogue

Residence The Rogues


Coco is a long-haired cinnamon (solid) tom with green eyes. His breed is a ragamuffin. Though his pelt color is solid, there are very small amounts of white on his feet and tail. His tail is long in length, and his build is average. There is a scar on his left eye.

Design notes
  • he's based of a coconut (no big surprise lmao)
  • original theme song (was too silly for him) (see/click here)
  • I was too lazy to give him darker specks on his back. Would've been a real coconut /j

Coco is a rather calm cat. He rarely ever gets extremely angry and is even-tempered. He prefers to solve problems in a rational way and doesn’t like it when his emotions are not controlled by him. He’s observant and notices small things in the wild. Though, it is possible to fool his senses and trick him. He mostly speaks in a formal manner when discussing serious issues. Though, if the situation is not serious, he will use less bombastic words than usual. He isn’t afraid to voice out his opinions, but with certain cats, he decides to voice his concerns out with suggestions to solve the problem, if there’s a problem. He tries to hide that he disagrees by covering it with a suggestion.

He doesn’t reveal his emotions very quickly, nor does he really notice them. His emotions were never something he really focused on, and he’s good at holding them. While he doesn’t care about his emotions, he cares about others emotions. He knows how they feel and won’t hesitate to console the cat if he has the consent of the other cat. He would be more than glad to hear them rant about life and offer advice. You just have to ask him! He’s always grim. Serious and gloomy. He takes everything very seriously. Not even a hint of humor. He does know when someone is not saying the thing literally or is joking, from the tone of their voice, gestures and how much sense the sentence makes. His response to jokes are mostly something along the lines of ‘I don’t get what you mean by that’ or ‘Why would a ___ be doing that?’ even though he clearly knows what the cat means. He does make some jokes if he’s comfortable with you (now you know he likes you platonically! Yay!). A very rarely shown side of him is his regretfulness. He often stares at the hayloft. It’s strangely calming to him. This gives him a peace of mind and the thoughts about what he could’ve done and how it would’ve been executed. Though it brings out bad memories, he’s absolutely okay with this. His regrets are… unknown at the moment. The first regret that pops into his head would probably be shown last. [ Haha I’ll make you wait >:) ]

  • daisies
  • light rain
  • sunset sky
  • marshes
  • moonrise
  • predators


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Coco was born to Mary and Barnabas, alongside 2 other siblings called Jelly and Felicity. He never got to see his parents. He is fully aware of their existence, but never met them due to their Twoleg taking him and his siblings away at a young age. The Twolegs living in the barn took him in. He didn’t interact much with the other cats in the barn and often just played by himself. He didn’t bother them, they didn’t bother him (unless it was important, of course).

He mainly spent his days exploring unhidden spots of the farms when he felt like it. He took a liking towards the twolegs. The twolegs gave him a collar, but he didn’t really want to put it on. It’s kind of just in his so-called ‘secret’ stash of stuff (it’s literally just placed at the back of a hayloft). He remembers the time there was a large thunderstorm… and it scared him, which caused him to develop the fear of thunder and lightning. This also caused him to have a small fear of being alone. He’s okay with being alone, but he doesn’t like it if he’s alone for long periods of time.

Around the time he grew up, his parents died around that time (but different times, of course. His father died first). Of course, he has absolutely no idea. Around this time, he took a liking towards the twoleg kit that roamed the farms. He noticed that ‘she’ always seemed to want to play with the cats, and grew used to ‘her’ picking him up. He’s now fine with it, actually. On a gloomy day, he decided to get out of the barn for once to explore the area. Of course, he wandered into an alleyway and may or may not have gotten into a fight with a loner. Unfortunately, he decided to fight back and got his eye scarred. Though scarred, he could see just fine (because he closed his eyes). He then decided to run from the fight. He ran back to the barn frantically (and the cat did not chase him, thankfully), hopped back over the fence and seeked the attention of the twoleg kit, who then called ‘her’ parents over. He was given medical attention, and then everything went back to normal. He has tried to forget about everything that happened that day, but it just seems to be stuck in his head.


  • His name:
  • Prefix [Coco] — the word coconut without the nut.
  • He really enjoys watching birds when he's free.
  • He thinks it would be fun to destroy every stack of hay, but doesn't do it because the others could get mad.
  • Coco was orignally going to be a she-cat.
  • He prefers to teach RyeClan cats where there's no marshes. It's very hard to travel from there to the barn and the other way around.
  • I would've made him a RyeClan cat... but because there were so little rogues at the time, I decided to make him a rogue so there would be more in that group.
  • He thinks that taking care of kits would bring joy to him... internally.
  • Coco's genetic code is: ll RR ReRe lplp whwh LyLy XoY blbl Dd dmdm aa McMc spsp tata bmbm ii wbwb EE ShSh CC wwg kk acac sfsf JbJb mm RtRt mkmk pdpd / llRRReRelplpwhwhLyLyXoYblblDddmdmaaMcMcspsptatabmbmiiwbwbEEShShCCwwgkkacacsfsf JbJbmmRtRtmkmkpdpd

Relation, †

Your character's thoughts of this character. Can be in character or not.

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One paragraph would fit nicely! Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.


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code by jiko