Evidence Chai_Moon



1 year, 25 days ago


Im so tired of Chai/Chai_Moon tryna come back and then end up scamming people still so Im leaving Chai evidence here so people can be NOTIFIED about Chai. Don't harrass and instead report. I don't condone attacking them.
All of this drama is mainly over amino thus why Chai went under a different alias when they got called out. Thats why I didn't know that user was Chai and I ended up inviting them. It's also good because that means anytime Chai changes their name I can ofc see what it was changed too.
Chai_Moon on toyhouse or Skrunkie on toyhouse now was an adoptable artist over amino. First drama was being exposed for sending 18+ things to minors in pms.I dont have proof of that since this was victim to staff conversation only. Im not here for that Im here to expose them of theft and a but more.
Im not sure if Im the first to expose them on design theft but the community I posted my proof on didnt know about this so everyone was worried about their designs.
Either way I do own a desgin of theirs and thats how I happened to find out Chai was a dreign theif. Chai also didnt also give me art that was promised to me if I abed The design. They were still making art instead of getting to mines and telling me they'll get to it. But offered art on ither characters.Idk if I sound bitter but Im really just tryna make a point.I found the owner lmk and they were grateful that I told them and that a redesign would be appreciated.
They also tried to come back as BoxDuck on toyhouse. I dunno if thats still their user. Even if these ducks were free they were STILL either heavily referencing/stealing designs. They got called out on amino and banned in the community im in.Their style is extremely recognizable so if you see a style like this, steer clear.(Not talking able simple designs like Chais's its more like pen and how they draw not simple designs like theirs.)
Chai admits that they stole all their designs. And although this isnt concrete I talked to Chai's sister bc they've confseesed to me. I will not receal their identity since they asked for it not to be revealed. But at some point when we talked about a design sister stated that when they talked to Chai and Chai responded to them "That one was very obvious". Sister states that implies Chai's designs are stolen designs. Take that as you will if you dont believe that the sister is the sister. But they eventually asked if anyone would like to have a Chai-Moon redesign on their designs and worked undercover with amino staff to catch BoxDuck. So I think thats legit.
Im so dine with tnem tryna come back, their style is so easy to spot and the recent user who didnt know that the Chai_Moon design they received is potentially stolen. I say potentially bc while Chai admits all was stolen bc once again I dont have receipts for that. If you see anyone who looks like doodly dude lmk.
Another thing I would like is to report Chai_Moon. Sister asked me not bc sister owned the account now. But who knows if Chai could still log in. Its a risk.If BoxDuck still exists report them too.