


1 year, 29 days ago



Name : BristleThorn
Bristle ––He has fairly bristly fur (spiky, short, and stiff)
Thorn ––He's a bit of a thorn in the side
Pastnames : Bristlekit, Bristlepaw
Age : 33 Moons
Birthseason : Winter
Gender : He/Him
Rank : Warrior
Residence : Cactusclan
Mentor : N/A
Apprentice : N/A

Summary : He's a short fured black cat with orange eyes. He has bits of sand in his fur that causes it to sparkle a tiny bit.
Breed : American Shorthair/Havana Brown Mix
Eye Colour : Orange
Height : N/A
Body Type : Slim build
Tail : Short Fured, Medium Length
Scars : Non/Hidden

Lawful Good(?)

BristleThorn is a nervous and worried cat. He tries his best for everyone around him.

In the past he was the exact opposite. He used to be over confident, and could care less about others.

Fears : He has trust issues, he learned that he had gained amnesia because his head was crushed against a rock. He's always nervous around other cats and the possiblity that they were the cause of this. He also faked not having amnesia, so he fears someone finding out. 
Habits : Nervous muttering, staying quiet, listening quietly, and stuttering.
  • -He lost his memory after being ambushed and having his head slammed into a rock
  • -His only friend is Sunheart
  • -He's Ace Aro


Father : N/A
Mother : N/A
Mate : Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Kits : N/A

BristleThorn grew up in Cactusclan, since he was a kit he grew up a little roughly. Something was wrong with his brain, when others got hurt he would smile and laugh. One day when he was hunting for the clan, to show his greatness, he got ambushed and his head was smashed against a rock. He was left unconscious, the perpetrator assumed he was dead and left him alone. When he woke up he was in his medicine cat den, but he didn’t remember anything. He kept his eyes closed pretending to be still asleep when he overheard his name, and a little bit about where he was. “Bristlethorn is still alive, he was found fainted on a rock on the border near Forestclan.” Was what he could hear. He assumed Bristlethorn to be his name, and he knew he was some place other than Forestclan. “Good thing he was found within Cactusclan territory, if he was too close to Forestclan he might be put in more danger” He finally learns of where he was… surely this was enough information. He opens his eyes slowly and looks around him… it felt familiar but at the same time it wasn’t. Moving his paws he felt unsteady, like he was barely in his own body. A cat comes closer to him (this is his perpetrator) and asks him what he remembers. He answers with his name and with the name of the clan. He pretends that he could remember everything, but says that he doesn’t feel great and doesn’t think he’d feel well for a while.

Before he lost his memory he wasn’t very close to other cats in the first place (besides Sunheart). He was always a little weird or quiet. The one who ambushed him saw the chance of him being evil or saw how strange he was, and that's the reason he was attacked. The way his head was hit caused his personality to be changed (kind of similar to this, but less severe..?) His personality is completely the opposite of what it was. He’s now a nervous worried cat when before he was an over confident carefree cat.

When a cat would get hurt, he now worries for them, askes them what they need and whether he could help them. Back when he hadn’t lost his memory, he would laugh at them, and tell them to beg with their head in the ground before he would lift a paw to help them. .

Sometimes when he falls asleep he dreams of his past, but when he wakes up he doesn’t remember any of it. Dreaming of his past makes him wake up in a cold sweat, similar to waking from a nightmare.

 code by jiko