hii are your fullbod pagedolls open? >:D

yup they are ^__^!!

Are you okay with drawing them? https://toyhou.se/4574429.rashi ^^

sure thing!! do you have any pose in mind for them or is it okay if i make one up? :3

are you okay with making one up? ^^!!

yeah it's no problem!! once i start the sketch I'll send you the file to comfirm if it looks good and also my paypal! ^__^

1 Replies

Are these still open?

yup, they are! ^__^

Awesome! could you do a fullbody page doll of this character? (preferably the furry version) 

sure thing!! do you have a pose in mind for them or is it fine if i come up with it myself?

I do! maybe a similar pose to the sitting character in the examples: but leaning back more and one arm raised (the raised arm with finger guns?)


alright then ^__^! i will dm you my paypal in a sec