Alison Weaver



1 year, 26 days ago


Montevo’s Museum Curator and Director, Alison loves the stories and folklore behind every item she acquires in her Museum. Her favourite folklore being the Lady of the Wind: A Witch who appeared after the storm of 46’ which in her eyes, she believed to be a spirit of high hopes.

On a camping trip as a child, Alison wandered off from her group, distracted by some ruins she saw. When she turned to follow her group they were gone. Left alone in the woods she cried, lost. The wind around her picked up, a leaf grabbing her attention. When she looked up she swore she saw a ghostly figure, The Lady of the Wind, the figure reaching her hand out towards the child. Frightened, but trusting, she walked towards this enigma. She was gone as soon as the child blinked, looking to where this mysterious lady went, she found her class and friends again…

Since this, Alison has always believed in the legend.