
1 year, 26 days ago



Name: Tokala

Theme: The Northern Star

Category: Shape

Type: Astral

Number of Tails: 3?



Regular Traits: Standard lacrimals, large body size, slim build, Winged Ears, Antlers, Thick blue fur, Turquoise pawpads, Yellow eyes.
Exclusive Astral Traits: Astral’s Colored Sclera, Astral’s Body Parts (fur), Gravitating Universe Objects (Star).
Rare Traits: Folklorical’s Fused Objects (gems on antlers and Pearl on forehead), Mythical’s Gold Claws, Sentimental’s Body Energy (aurora based), Iridescent Fur, Extra Long Fur.
Legendary Trait: Energy Track (aurora based at ends of tails and legs), Floating Objects (antlers), 

Size: Average

Current job / role: Navigator?


Personality: Tokala isn't super sociable but he loves being useful and teaching people new things. Although he can thoroughly enjoy well earned breaks, he typically prefers moving around and exploring to sitting idly. 

Background: Tokala was once a fox spirit that was particularly fond of humans. He was most known for guiding lost humans, and helping them navigate using the stars. He led a relatively solitary life, so the short times he spent with humans he cherished. Tokala also loved to help and be needed. However, as centuries went on, it became apparent that less and less people were needing the guidance of Tokala and his knowledge of star navigation. Instead of quietly fading away all alone, he decided to seek out the [foxes finding the portal].

During the Dream: He found himself floating in a realm surrounded by familiar stars and northern lights. The temperature, a relaxing chill. A voice spoke to him, asking for a memory that he looks on fondly. He recalled looking up at the night sky and pointing out the northern star to a young child who had lost their way. The northern star had always been his favorite star. Upon remembering, the corresponding northern star in the dream shone brighter and brighter until the dream ended. 

After the Dream: Upon finding out about his new status as a kitsunegami, he's made it his mission to explore every part of this land. That is a tall order, so for now, he is content getting familiar with the areas that have already been mapped. He doesn't have a room/home in the kitsunegami village, or if he does, he certainly doesn't use it. He much prefers sleeping under the stars.