Khaos's Comments

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really tempted by the custom since your art style is amazing however idk if i could trade for that alone 💔 id love to add other characters if there’s anyone i have who interested you if you would consider other ocs? but if not that’s completely fine! 

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ohh that’s all fair then! sflr at work rn lol, but ill have to think about the custom it’s tempting but I’m not sure how it’ll work out ahh 

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ive been offered them before, lovely design but i just couldnt use it sadly, if you do get anymore offers like that do lmk tho if you dont mind!

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theyre nice but i couldnt use them :(

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ur ocs are very lovely! I dont think I'd use any over this chracter tho </3 ty for your offer regardless!

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unlikely but I’d look for sure!

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i could consider!

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