


1 year, 29 days ago


During your exploration in the plains, you find something... intriguing. Four Cosmo Cats are sitting in a circle, holding flat engraved stones in their paws. Each stone is almost identical, having the same flower drawing located on the front. The only difference between each stone is the number of petals the flower in the front has. It seems like there's a chance for the rocks to have anywhere from one to eight petals drawn on them. Aside from that, they all look identical.

After watching the cats for a while, it seems like they're playing some kind of game. To summarize in a non-animal way, it's like BS (...the card game).

The game ends when a pink feline with patches cries out "Bullshit!" on a green not-a-cat's turn. When the card is turned over, it turns out that the green kitty was being completely truthful with the number on their stone. The pink cat laughs, saying something about how they must be super unlucky with their guesses.

A pale cat with four ears notices you watching and beckons you over. The game is paused as each cat greets you and inquires where you came from. Apparently, each cat here came from a different region. The green not-a-cat came from the Mountains, the extra-eared cat is from the Plains, the dark brown feline next to them is from the Gorge, and the pink cat with patches is from Mount. Aphid.
The feline with extra ears comments about how the game is theirs that they've had since they were a kit, but they haven't had a good opportunity like today to use it. The rest of the cats were vacationing from their homes and decided to find something fun to do in the meantime.

Then, the pale feline asks if you'd like to play. Everyone else seems glad to have another player, so... Ah, why not? It sounds fun. Cosmo Cat BS, here you come!

mountain kitty rolled

- Long Fur
- Long Ears
- Long Tail
- Horns
- Round Pupils
- Vibrant Fur
- Not-A-Cat Mutation!