


1 year, 28 days ago


A Japanese cryptid known for luring young women into the woods by imitating the sound of a crying child,

Those who come to the ‘child’s aid are swiftly devoured

There is only one known way to escape him or survive Rinku. To ignore him or you can try and find his music box.

The song pacifies him briefly though if he see’s you leaving he’ll attack you in anger.

Ignoring him while he calls for you is a sure fire way to survive though the cries will get louder and louder, you’ll feel a sense of intense guilt and dread though you mustn’t stop and think..that’s what he wants after all.

Rinku despite being a rather intimidating monster is quite pathetic.

He was once a lost child abandoned by his mother

His mortal vessel starved to death though his hunger and yearning for his mama 

Kept his spirit alive causing him to turn into this flesh eating creature.

If you are a child and he finds you in his territory he’ll simply guide you away or hold you close as he can’t stand seeing someone suffer his fate…though his hunger is a lot stronger than his will to help you and if you don’t leave before the sunrises he’ll eat you too.

He’s referred to by locals as Rinku as it means “alone”

Though others call him names such as Naku Kodomo which translates 

Roughly to weeping child.