$300 OBO's Comments

oml they are heckin gorgeous, i can offer https://toyhou.se/20230520.topanga :D

Thank you!! Ahhh, as adorable as she is I’m not looking for swaps right now. Your interest is appreciated though!

Hey!! I absolutely love this bab, would you consider taking $300 for them? No plan needed, I can pay straight away!

$300 is perfect for me!

If you could provide a good email, i can get an invoice sent your way here shortly!

Sent you a PM!

heyo! would you be interested in this design? https://toyhou.se/17628363.-300-granite

They aren't really my style, sorry!

Aaaa the mojority say that the page doesn't exist when I go to click on em 💦

You have been authorized now 

I didn't see any that really clicked with me unfortunately!

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SO SORRY I've been on a short vacation and totally missed this; were you still interested in them?

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I might consider something from here, but I am tent with certain ones. Roary isn't available because he's worth $1300 (unless offered multiples) I'm also super tentative about Kai and Iris: https://toyhou.se/Nello/characters/folder:3656430

Oooh I'd definitely trade for Kai; but I totally understand if you need to think on it!

any chance this swap might interest you? i can also add most anyone from here!!

Sorry, they aren't really my style!

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They are very cute!! But I don't think I could connect that well to 'em, sorry!


Do either of these babes interest you for swap? https://toyhou.se/avo/characters/tagged:scpkid/folder:all/extagged:stars

They are cute, but not really my style sorry!

lmk if this guy would be a good swap: https://toyhou.se/1498942.scpkid-swaps

They don't really fit my style, sorry!

would you consider payment plans :0?

The only payment plan I'd be willing to do is half when claiming, half two weeks later unfortunately!

Would you consider possible $$ and this guy? https://toyhou.se/11279211.pompeii-100
I know you’re looking for mostly Scpkid guys >w< I can also possibly do a voucher and get a design you want for this guy, just lmk if you’d be interested or not! 

Aa, I really love that squeedge design 👀 How much were you wanting to add on with them? It’s alright if you can’t ^^

How much extra would you be looking for? I’m not sure this guy’s value but I can do an additional $100 or so if needed!

That would be perfect, if you are comfortable sending the usd portion friends & family on paypal, (I don’t want any more goods/service on my account. I have stopped using paypal for selling & need to sort stuff out.) I **most likely could accept right away.

If that will not work, i’d have to consider the Squeedge design alone.

Just lmk what is ok with you, thank you! ^^

Yeah that’s fine! I can send you the $100 via friends and family and you can transfer them and I can trader the Squeedge design too 

I think i’m good with accepting then,thank you ^^
My paypal; [email protected] 

When sent, we can trade asap, I’ll transfer Dusk when paypal notifies me ^^

3 Replies
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I could consider Marriott, just currently waiting on a response back from someone. Feel free to lmk if you decide you would, thank you ^^

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